Pollyanna Popermâjer

Pollyanna Popermâjer

  • Дата рождения: 10.03.1996
  • Место рождения: Danderyd - Stockholm - Sweden
  • Известность за: Directing


Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising
Дата выхода: 30.04.2022

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising

Роль(и): Voice over

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising
Дата выхода: 30.04.2022

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising

Роль(и): Sound Designer

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising
Дата выхода: 30.04.2022

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising

Роль(и): Director of Photography

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising
Дата выхода: 30.04.2022

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising

Роль(и): Editor

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising
Дата выхода: 30.04.2022

Tell you about: the birds and the bees, sagittarius rising

Роль(и): Director
