Sugar shipping at the N.V. Afscheep- en Commissiezaak, Formerly J.F. Esser

TitleSuiker-afscheep bij de N.V. Afscheep- en Commissiezaak v.h. J.F. Esser
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Release dateOct 12, 1927
DirectorWilly Mullens
Production countryNetherlands
Production companiesHaghe Film
Run time19 min.

Activities involving the shipment of sugar from the Dutch East Indies. This shipment took place in Pasuruan, with destinations including Europe, China, Japan, and the former British India. We see shots of samples being taken, and bags being weighed. Loading in canoes, and being transferred to the ship S.S. Tjikarang. Shots of the office of N.V. Afscheep- en Commiessiezaak, formerly known as J.F. Esser.

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