Stereomongrel (movie)

Stereomongrel (movie)

Movie description

Stereomongrel is a twelve minute experimental film which explores the effects of two disparate worlds colliding. Witnessed through the eyes of a gifted twelve year old girl, high and low culture clash in the neutral battle field of a museum. Filmed in Super 35 mm, Stereomongrel style can be described as "hyper, supra, and marvelous real," through the use of 3-D animation, stop-motion animation, and highly choreographed tableaux or set pieces. Genres that are blended and tweaked by this uniquely hybridized film include psychological/supernatural thrillers, Italian horror movies from the 70s and 80s, and the unattainable ideals - both physical and economic - found in hip-hop music videos and fashion magazines.



Matisse Clayton

Matisse Clayton

Role(s): Hortencia

Ein Tan

Ein Tan

Role(s): Curator 2

Enrique Miron

Enrique Miron

Role(s): Guard

Cookie Hensley

Cookie Hensley

Role(s): Blasterette 2

Erika Lucas

Erika Lucas

Role(s): Blasterette 4
