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Release dateDec 4, 2012
DirectorMauricio Rial Banti
Production countryParaguay
Run time52 min.

Overava, which in Guaraní means shiny, makes reference to the treasures hidden underground in Paraguay in the mid-19th century, during the Triple Alliance War. According to folk tales, the owners of these valuables never unearthed them because they were cruelly killed during the war. However, their greed condemned their spirits to keeping watch over them. Lights, trees with blue flames, headless dogs and white animals show up at night during bad weather. Everyone knows about the legend, many have seen the ghosts, some treasure hunters go out every night searching for the gold that is hidden only a few feet deep, but few know the secret of how to create an emphatic connection with the former owners to get them to hand over the treasures.

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