Caviar Dreams

TitleCaviar Dreams
User score


Release dateJan 1, 2017
DirectorWei Ying , Liv Dubendorf , Brian Gersten
Production countryUnited States of America
Run time15 min.

Over the centuries caviar (i.e. - sturgeon eggs) was strictly reserved for Russian Czars and royalty throughout the world. Nowadays it’s become synonymous with wealth, fame, and indulgence. But why is that? What's so special about caviar? "Caviar Dreams" delves into the complex world of caviar, weaving a tapestry of caviar tales that leaves you knowing more than you ever thought possible about this unique delicacy. Beyond the assumed glamour and luxury associated with caviar, we uncover a story about over-fishing, poaching, near extinction, and a quest for sustainability.


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