Angels on Death Row: The Ebrahim Hamidi's Case

TitleAngels on Death Row: The Ebrahim Hamidi's Case
User score


Release dateFeb 1, 2012
DirectorAlessandro Golinelli , Rocco Bernini
Production countryUS
Run time53 min.

A documentary about capital punishment for people accused of (presumed) homosexuality in Iran. Starting from the sensational case of Ebrahim Hamidi, a 21-year old sentenced to death (and at risk of being stoned to death) the film shows the sad fate (and the young faces) of the gays who have been hanged; the social and political context of these atrocities (including several hangings of minors); and the painful, risky and humiliating undercover life of gay people. Spine-chilling images of executions and tortures, moving reconstructions of the victims' lives, the silent struggle for liberation of young Iranians, of women, of gay people. Interviews and remarkable testimonies from Mohammud Moustafei, the lawyer of Ebrahim Hamidi and Sakineh; from a young homosexual Iranian boy; from Drewery Dyke, the head of Amnesty International in Iran; and with the valued contribution of Peter Tatchell, English activist for human rights.

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