Stephan Weyte

GenderNot specified

Stephan Weyte, is a voice actor in computer games, one of his more well known roles was as the voice for the main character Caleb in the computer game Blood and its sequel Blood II: The Chosen. He is also known for starring in a variety of Humongous Entertainment's children's games, most notably the Pajama Sam and Freddi Fish series. During the late 1990s he was involved with Monolith Productions, voicing the aforementioned role of the protagonist, Caleb, in the Blood videogame series, as well as further voice work in titles such as Claw and Get Medieval (as well as the Monolith published Gorky 17, otherwise known as Odium). He has also voiced a variety of other games, many of which were published by Sierra Online.

Known for


Aug 1, 2015


Aug 1, 2015


Participated in 1 movies, 0 TV series

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