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Energy from the Vacuum

TV Show
Seasons count1
Episodes count18

List of episodes of the series ‘Energy from the Vacuum’

Episodes count: 18

S1.E1 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 01 - Introduction - Tom Bearden John Bedini

Jan 15, 2004


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This, the first episode in the series, covers Tom Bearden's early years and background, and leads into an illustrated lecture by Tom about the vacuum and the secrets of engineering and extracting its boundless energy. After this, Tom discusses virtually everything you ever wanted to know about his Patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (the MEG), which he co-invented with several other colleagues. Tom, John Bedini, Walt Rosenthal, and Peter Lindemann then conduct a brief historical overview of the history (and suppression) of free energy devices, going back to the late 1800s. And finally, in Washington, DC, on the eve of a briefing for Congressional staffers, Tom wraps things up with a penetrating summation that gets right to the heart of what has to be done to assist in the birth of this new science, and the promise that it brings.

S1.E2 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 02 - John Benini - Tom Bearden John Bedini

Jan 22, 2004


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The episodes primary focus is the enigmatic addition to “conventional” EM energy that has been banished from our circuits. The phenomenal and counter intuitive properties of this “negative” energy have been hidden from public view since the time of Tesla, who called it “radiant” energy. The episode features an intimate tour of John Bedini's lab and his experiments, conducted by the maestro himself, with additional on camera explanations by brilliant physics conceptualist Tom Bearden, filmed by Oscar-nominated Director William Gazecki, and edited by Oxford University mathematical physicist David Clements Ph.D. A whole host of John's motors and devices are shown in action, with instrumentation, as John waxes eloquent about the subject for which he is world famous—capturing and harnessing negative (radiant) energy, a form of energy that is such a boon to consumers that the harder a negative energy device is worked, the less current it draws!

S1.E3 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 03 - Dr. Deborah Chung - Negative Resistance

Jan 29, 2004


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Part 3 in the Series poses some interesting questions, which may well be related to new concepts presented in Parts 1 and 2. It is also extremely fertile ground for experimenters, as the construction of the invention is easily reproducible.

S1.E4 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 04 - Howard Johnson - Magnetic Exchange

Feb 5, 2004


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Under the right circumstances, a permanent magnet can be induced to fire a force hundreds of times its base magnetic strength. Howard Johnson spent his entire life researching this phenomenon, which, when constructed with the correct geometry, can create a permanent self-powering magnetic motor. After World War II, Howard was offered the job of being Head of Cryptology for the entire U.S. Navy, but turned it down to return to civilian life. Many of Howard's Patents remain classified to this day. In this episode we tour his laboratory, and Howard demonstrates his magnetic gates and tells his story.

S1.E5 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 05 - Hidden Electrodynamics

Feb 12, 2004


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This is the lecture on electricity that you never got in school or College. In it Tom gets right to the heart of where the real electrodynamics is hidden in plain sight—but it is over in the particle physics department! And the physicists never communicated this fact to the Electrical Engineers! Even after the award of two Nobel Prizes in 1957 to Lee and Yang validating the extraction mechanism of energy from the vacuum, none of the electrical engineering textbooks were changed.

S1.E6 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 06 - Inside Radiant EnergyEnergy From The Vacuum 06 - Inside Radiant Energy

Feb 19, 2004


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For over an hour John Bedini patiently answers questions from Oxford University mathematical physicist David Clements Ph.D., who flew over from the United Kingdom to visit John in his laboratory. Dr. Clements had reached the conclusion that the so-called “negative” energy was indeed compatible with conventional physics mathematics, but it had been banished from the equations. John Bedini, in turn, diagrams out exactly how this missing energy is triggered into the circuit, and how it is put to work to provide real output gains.

S1.E7 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 07 - Tesla's Impulse Technology

Feb 26, 2004


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Just attempting to think about the notion of Nikola Tesla being able to shuttle energy at will around a single wire circuit causes most people to claim that such concepts are far beyond their comprehension. After all, don't we need two wires, just for a start? Well, it turns out that the problem is that existing electrical technology just does not have an adequate vocabulary to describe what the Great Man was doing. In this film, John Bedini meticulously teaches us the missing technology on the blackboard, while demonstrating it on the bench........AND adapting it to charge batteries, something no-one has ever done before. The DVD is a must for anyone seeking not only an understanding of our missing electrical science, but also for those seeking to put it to practical use.

S1.E8 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 08 - Challenging the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Mar 4, 2004


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The reflexive response from mainstream science about the possibility of producing free energy from the vacuum is that it is not possible as this would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Over the last 20 years the absolute status of the Second Law has come under increased scrutiny, more than during any other period in its 180-year history. Since the early 1980's, roughly 50 papers representing over 20 challenges have appeared in the refereed scientific literature. In July 2002, the first conference on its status was convened at the University of San Diego, attended by 120 researchers from 25 countries. In 2004, the mainstream scientific journal Entropy published a special edition devoted to Second Law challenges. And, in July 2004, an echo of the first conference was held in Prague, Czech Republic.

S1.E9 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 09 - Moray, Sweet and Antigravity

Mar 11, 2004


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This is the classic “fireside chat” with Tom Bearden that you always wanted to have. Not only that, it is a de facto energy briefing for the incoming Obama administration involving the real new energy, and not the same old tired solutions that are currently being trotted out. There is no energy source “greener” than tapping into the inexhaustible pollution-free energy from the vacuum tm. Wide ranging in scope as always, Tom proceeds by reviewing his early attempts to resurrect the Moray devices with Henry Moray's son John, before moving on to share details of his long association with the legendary Floyd Sweet. The discussion then turns to the celebrated anti-gravity experiments, about which Tom spares no details. And of course the use of negative energy—sadly missing from our textbooks—is an ongoing theme throughout the piece.

S1.E10 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 10 - The Kromrey Converter

Mar 18, 2004


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Well, here it is, John Bedini's legendary “G-field generator” from the early 1980s in all its glory running on the bench and putting out more power than John is putting in. In fact, more than three times input power according to John. And ejecting a stream of freezing cold air from its interior, where one would “normally” expect heat would be produced and dissipated. In this episode John Bedini, painstakingly traces the “G-field generator's” pedigree and history all the way back to the late Professor Raymond Kromrey, and John then presents the theory, the circuit diagram, what to do, and what not to do. Watch, too, how John shows the motor running under load with the circuit only completed by a strand of wire the diameter of a human hair—an impossibility with conventional EM energy.

S1.E11 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 11 - Magnetic Gates And Howard Johnson

Mar 25, 2004


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During a second visit from the Energetic Productions team in October, 2006, at the last minute as Brett Nichols was leaving to drive the equipment back to John Bedini's lab in Idaho, Howard Johnson reached under his bed and pulled out his plans for a permanent self-powering magnetic motor which he gave to Brett..This was Howard's biggest secret and gift to the world, but he never could release it during his lifetime, even though Tom Bearden had witnessed a working model of a Howard Johnson permanent magnetic motor. Predating his knowledge of Howard Johnson's work, John Bedini had been researching Magnetic Gates for decades, and this tour de force is essentially a brain dump of not only John's unique experience in building magnetic gates, but it also includes a masterful analysis of Howard Johnson's magnetic gate.

S1.E12 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 12 - Petrovoltaics And The Faraday Motor

Apr 1, 2004


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During John Bedini's early years, he could be found all over the hills in the Los Angeles, California area looking for and collecting rocks. Why was he doing this? This episode explains exactly why. The results of his curiosity and scientific experimentation led not only to the foundations of his unique hi-fi business, but to an astonishing saga with Tom Bearden when John found that he was inadvertently transmuting copper into pure gold. Tom Bearden recounts the subsequent tale of death and destruction in eyewitness's detail.

S1.E13 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 13 - Electrodynamics Its Origins History And Struggles

Apr 8, 2004


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The title says it all. Heaviside, Lorentz (with a “t”), Lorenz (without a “t”), Dirac, Maxwell, Whittaker, Faraday, and on and on. The contributions of the giants as the field of electrodynamics emerges are all meticulously and entertainingly reviewed with gusto by one of their greatest lifelong students, Tom Bearden. And reviewed even-handedly and with relish—as each one of their theories is not only analyzed in great detail, but charted for the deficiencies and shortcomings that were concurrently also brought to the table. This two hour episode is a must for anyone that has more than a passing interest in the field of electricity, as the ying and the yang are both equally explored, including the buried powerhouse of negative energy. Watch as Tom shows how the new frontiers are pushed out over the course of history, coupled with the sad deficiencies that accompanied this.

S1.E14 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 14 - Lockridge Device

Apr 15, 2004


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What was the strange device that two U.S. soldiers found in an abandoned house during a mopping-up mission in Germany after World War II and smuggled back into the U.S.? A device with no input pipes or wires that they had to forcibly step on to stop it running. At which point the lights went out and the room was plunged into darkness. After a 50 year mystery, with the last remaining pieces of hardware on his laboratory bench, John Bedini tells the story, and what a story it is, showing how yet another proven overunity device was almost lost to history.

S1.E15 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 15 - Seeking Overunity - Tom Bearden John Bedini

Apr 22, 2004


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For several decades, the “go-to” person for testing whether your energy device could put out more power than you were inputting was Walter Rosenthal. Trained as a Mechanical Engineer and a veteran of decades in the aerospace industry, Walt combined a boyish enthusiasm and curiosity that permeated his life and his passion for testing energy machines. This is what led him to his association over several years with the late Floyd Sweet during the formative years of the development of Floyd's legendary overunity device. In fact Walt built many of the accessories for this machine for Floyd, in addition to being an investor.

S1.E16 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 16 - Equilibrium, Entropy & Energy Defining Moments

Apr 29, 2004


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Once again we are treated to the full force of Tom Bearden's prodigious intellect as he throws the spotlight on a variety of topics, starting with Entropy. From there the remainder of this 70 minute get-together with Tom is like a gifted musician's solo, as one association leads to another. Topics include descriptions of a number of magnetic motors, the treatment of equilibrium, various inventors, and a host of other issues which take us all the way to the flaws in Aristotelian logic and its deficiencies as applied to quantum physics and, ultimately, to the human psyche and condition. In fact Tom tiptoes around concepts that he first posited in his groundbreaking Master's Thesis “Quiton/ Perceptron Physics: A Theory of Existence, Perception, and Physical Phenomena” and his first book, “Excalibur Briefing.”

S1.E17 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 17 - The Tape Drive Motor

May 6, 2004


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Who but John Bedini would retrieve a discarded tape-drive motor from the trash can at NBC and have the vision to convert it into a very efficient little radiant energy battery charger? In this video, John demonstrates how this capstan motor was converted to provide the sharp pulsing necessary to invoke the radiant energy to drive his system. The brushless tape-drive motor with dual Simplified School Girl (SSG) circuit. And, being John Bedini, he also provides some unique insights into his motivation for releasing this technology into the public domain—and much more! Bedini's then Technical Services Manager Rick Friedrich weighs in as well with his iterations of this motor, now handily bundled into kit form for amateur experimenters to assemble and become familiar with the technology.

S1.E18 ∙ Energy From The Vacuum 18 - Transmutation - Lifting the Veil

May 13, 2004


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In 1927, Walter Russell presented to 1,000 of the world's top scientists his book “The Universal One,” A book that took seven years to write. In it he laid bare the amazing secrets of nature that man had sought for through centuries of patient research and tireless experiment. In the charts, for example, Russell showed how man can produce nature's elements in exactly the way nature itself produces them. He made known to the world in 1927 the existence of two radioactive elements which have become the basis of atomic energy, and in 1929 the two hydrogen isotopes which have become the basis of heavy water and the H-bomb. Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Thomas Watson (then-President of IBM) and numerous other luminaries studied with Russell, and Tesla opined that the work was so advanced that it needed to be “locked up for 1,000 years as mankind was not ready for it.”

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