List of episodes of the series «Last One Standing»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 22
  • Total viewing time: 16 h. 8 m.
Episode 1
Release date: 9/22/2008

Episode 1

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHEUNG SHING-HEI is extremely enraged when he finds that his little sister CHEUNG SHING-SZE is molested by their stepfather TSANG SHU-LEUNG. HEI beats LEUNG badly. LEUNG is later found dead, and HEI becomes a suspect in LEUNG’s murder. HEI’s cousin TONG LAP-YIN testifies in a court hearing that HEI was present at the murder scene. HEI ends up in prison. YIN and his little sister TONG HOI-MAN send their father TONG HOK-YAN and mother SO LAI-FAN home from the hospital. Grandmother LEE SO-NGO reminds them HEI is discharged from the jail the same day. In fact, they think HEI is a well-behaved boy who became disobedient only after his mother’s second marriage. YEUNG KIN-YIP, HEI’s brother-in-law, hopes that HEI will work in Dongguan as he does not want him to stay too long at his home. YIN receives a threatening letter sent to his office followed by an arson attack at his home.… ...
Episode 2
Release date: 9/23/2008

Episode 2

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI takes YIN to a cliff by force. He demands YIN’s explanation for the false imputation YIN made against him. They become entangled and fall into water. Later, police finds YIN unconscious on a beach. Luckily, no serious injuries are found after YIN is hospitalized. YIN?gets?the file of LEUNG's murder case?through a friend,?and?starts?searching for clues to find out?who is the true murderer. HEI becomes a suspect in a car?attack and an arson attack?on YIN's office.?Soon, YIN realizes that HEI is not the one who has caused the damage when he discovered a lighter dropped at the scene. YIN recalls that Steel Teeth, LI TSAU-SHUI's?subordinate, has a similar lighter. The criminal arrest finally proves that HEI has no connections with the incidents. It is believed that HEI is still alive. YIN begins to suspect YIP is the murderer after?he has learnt from?SZE?that YIP knew LEUNG before.… ...
Episode 3
Release date: 9/24/2008

Episode 3

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    YIN is hit by a high-speed car driven by HEI. They get entangled. YIN tells HEI that he believes he did not kill anyone. Further, he shows him some photos he took from the police file to support his sayings, that he found in the photo an object bearing YIP’s company logo. YIN is asked to go to the police department for suspect identification. HEI is released from custody after YIN has made clear that HEI did not kidnap him. SZE believes YIP is the murderer, nevertheless, she asks HEI not to reveal it as she does not want her family be ruined. HEI and YIN finally reconcile and forgive each other after YIN has found out the truth. YEE worries so much after she has encountered a downhearted HEI underneath a flyover. She asks YIN for help. YIN finds HEI on a rooftop, a place HEI used to go where he watches flying planes. He encourages HEI and lets him know his mother still cares about him.
Episode 4
Release date: 9/25/2008

Episode 4

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI finally accepts to live together with his family. However, he and his mother do not seem to understand each other well. HEI wants to find a job, but he dares not reveal that he has been in jail for ten years. One day, he meets CARMEN on the street. She?had been?a volunteer who visited HEI regularly in prison and later?became a famous TV news anchor. HEI soon perks up when he has known that CARMEN does not look down on him. At home, HEI is astonished to find a logo which is the same as the logo of YIP's company. He immediately realizes that YIP may not be the murderer. After talking to SIU HUNG, the prostitute YIP hired long time ago, HEI discovers YIP did not tell him the fact that he had hired a prostitute. Further, SIU HUNG tells him that YIN has asked her the same thing before. HEI asks YIP to keep the matter hidden from SZE for fear that YIN will know it and plot against him.… ...
Episode 5
Release date: 9/26/2008

Episode 5

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    One day, YIN and CARMEN go visit HEI. CARMEN hopes to find him a job.?NGO reminds FAN that she should keep a watchful eye on YIN when she has realized that they opened a joint account. She worries that YIN will one day take away all the money. Due to bank relocation, YEE takes LEUNG's things back home from the safe box. The belongings suggest a possible connection between LEUNG and a leather factory. After investigation, HEI finds that the owner of the factory received a large compensation after a factory fire. And, he learns further from POON CHI-KAN that YIN is the one who approved the indemnification payment. So, he needs YIP’s help to trace the owner immediately. HEI accepts the interview by Carmen once he knows she has to conduct an interview with a discharged prisoner. As soon as YEE realizes HEI has developed special feeling towards CARMEN, she reminds him that he should stop himself from loving CARMEN.… ...
Episode 6
Release date: 9/29/2008

Episode 6

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI and YIP head to Dongguan to search for CHAN KUI-WING, the owner of the leather factory, to investigate further about the fire accident. After finding seriously ill WING, HEI promises to bring him to Hong Kong for better medical treatment. YIN helps YEE to examine a water leak in LEUNG’s old house. HEI accompanies YIN to the house. To HEI’s surprise, YIN deduces LEUNG’s murder in an unusually coherent way. On returning home, YIN tells HEI that CARMEN has accepted his proposal and they will get marry soon. HEI picks up WING. WING refuses to give HEI the evidence he holds until his surgery is finished. YIN tells his family that he is going to marry CARMEN. However, NGO does not approve their marriage because of traditional taboo. NGO tells CARMEN frankly that she dislikes YIN. She even urges CARMEN to find another man. Nevertheless, YIN and CARMEN remain firm in their decision to get married regardless NGO’s resistance.… ...
Episode 7
Release date: 9/30/2008

Episode 7

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    Outside YIP’s office, YIN overhears HEI is scolding YIP for assigning him a harsh job. For fear that HEI will blurt out that he thinks YIP is the murderer, YIN interrupts them and takes HEI away. HEI meets CARMEN after receiving her call. He cannot help confessing his love to her. CARMEN does not know what to do but leaves. YIN receives a complaint from a client. Soon after, he fortuitously finds the client’s doctor is working in the same hospital where WING stays. YIN demands to meet the doctor to check if WING is undergoing treatment at hospital. WING does not give HEI the evidence as agreed, but flees after HEI has settled the hospital bill for him. In a pub, HEI drowns his sorrows. After receiving a call from HEI, CARMEN anxiously searches for him. As soon as she finds him, he holds her tight and asks her not to marry YIN. YAN suggests that YIN and CARMEN can have a betrothal before consummating marriage.
Episode 8
Release date: 10/1/2008

Episode 8

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    YEE becomes anxious when she sees HEI in the betrothal party. HEI shoves YIN into a swimming pool in a drunken rage. HEI drowns his sorrows in a pub. Words from someone unwittingly awaken him, and he is getting clear about how to deal with YIN. YIN receives a call from HEI. He attempts to persuade HEI not to kill himself. Eventually, HEI does not kill himself; instead, he admits he has been wrong in the past. YIN gives him encouraging words and promises to hire him as a kind of support. On returning home, HEI tells his mother that he wants to pay his respect to LEUNG. YEE feels delighted and encouraged as she believes HEI has repented. HEI starts working in YIN’s company. He apologizes to CARMEN. HEI and MAN visit a village house to investigate a roof leak claim. MAN is attracted to HEI after she is saved by him when she nearly fell off from a tree.
Episode 9
Release date: 10/2/2008

Episode 9

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    MAN heap praises on HEI in front of her family. NGO realizes MAN has developed special feelings towards HEI. CARMEN goes to meet YIN in office. She loses her footing and falls to the floor. To avoid trouble, HEI keeps away from her intentionally. HEI begins to get close to MA OI-LAM, a staff whom he discovers she is very familiar with the company. YIN and CARMEN go to Cheung Chau to follow an injury claim. However, YIN has to leave the job to CARMEN because he has got other matter to handle. HEI meets CARMEN in Cheung Chau after KIT has assigned the job to him. They need to stay there overnight as they fail to catch the last ferry home. HEI prefers to stay on a beach alone until the next morning to avoid any embarrassment. YIN meets Mr. CHOW, a man from a property company who wants to buy the whole building where his family is living in. Mr. CHOW asks YIN to persuade his family into selling the flat.… ...
Episode 10
Release date: 10/3/2008

Episode 10

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    As persuaded by YIN, YAN sells the flat regardless NGO’s resistance and uses the money to make investment. HEI learns from his colleagues that LAM put the confidential document and the key of the company safe separately. He sneaks into LAM’s room and attempts to open the file cabinet. LAM discovers it, nevertheless, she mistakenly thinks HEI is loving her from afar. Rumor of their love affair spread around the office. Enraged, MAN asks HEI if he really in love with LAM. She is so disappointed when HEI admits it. SHAN, CARMEN’s sister who lives abroad, comes to visit her and brings her good wedding wishes. She and her husband are now separate. She tells CARMEN that she has to take the relationship serious as she thinks YIN is a good man. CARMEN encourages HEI to develop a serious relationship with LAM. HEI feels heartbreak to know CARMEN does not mind he loves another woman. After work, HEI and LAM leave together.… ...
Episode 11
Release date: 10/6/2008

Episode 11

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI takes a peep at confidential document and discovers that the company holds one million dollars in current capital. SHAN persuades CARMEN into opening an investment account. On the other hand, YIN reminds CARMEN that she should not invest too much. LAM wants to take HEI to an Italian restaurant for dinner, but HEI prefers open-air food stall. Although LAM is not used to going to food stall, she panders to HEI. HEI meets FA, he recognizes her by her necklace. HEI suspects there is a connection between LEUNG and FA as he can identify the necklace is the same one that LEUNG had once asked him to send repairing. CARMEN questions SHAN for what has happened after a red paint attack on her home. It turns out that SHAN has run into debt in Canada. She asks CARMEN to help repay her debt. Soon after, YIN promises CARMEN to get it resolved. HEI encounters FA again and quietly follows her to her home.… ...
Episode 12
Release date: 10/7/2008

Episode 12

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI cannot stop himself from telling YIP immediately when he has found new evidence. Unfortunately, YIP accidentally causes the cassette tape jammed. Without telling his family, YAN gives his retirement pension as well as the flat selling money to YIN for investment upon retirement. FA visits HEI’s office as she needs money urgently to treat TAK’s asthma. FAN and YAN are both hospitalized after injury. YIN meets FA in the hospital. He realizes she is LEUNG’s mistress after he discovers an odd response from SZE when she encounters FA. YIN settles the hospital bill for TAK and accompanies him and FA back to their home. Soon after, he finds LEUNG’s recording tapes are still being kept. Later, YEE finds out the fact that FA is LEUNG’s mistress. HEI rushes to FA’s home as soon as he knows YIN has visited her. Meanwhile, he rescues YEE from a house fire happens in FA’s home.… ...
Episode 13
Release date: 10/8/2008

Episode 13

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    In his response to YIN, HEI says YEE wanted to punish FA and thus got hurt at FA’s home. FA and TAK have avoided the accident as they went to the Ocean Park. FA believes that the arson attack was done by moneylender. YIP sends?FA and TAK to Dongguan?where TAK can receive?better?medical treatment; more importantly, to keep?them?away from YIN and YEE. YAN?is hospitalized after sudden heart attack. YIN tells FAN frankly that he cannot afford to pay for YAN's expensive?medical bills. On the other hand, NGO strongly believes YIN is reluctant to pay out of his apparent selfishness. KIT arranges a meeting for YIN with the owner of Kam Tat Company. YIN declines?to receive a bribe in return for getting the claim approved. Without informing YIN, KIT?handles the case by himself. HEI takes pictures of the transaction when KIT is receiving bribes. YAN dies.… ...
Episode 14
Release date: 10/9/2008

Episode 14

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    NGO objects firmly the decision that YIN is appointed as the testament executor. FAN thinks NGO has a strong bias against YIN. KIT threatens YIN with a knife in revenge for laying him off. HEI attempts to save YIN and suffers a cut to his fingers. KIT fails in an assault on YIN; accidentally, he stumbles and falls off the building. CARMEN and LAM visit HEI. HEI is happy inwardly to know CARMEN’s wedding being postponed. CARMEN gives LAM encouraging words when LAM feels depressed about HEI’s always lukewarm responses. YIN thinks NGO has got delusional disorder after she claims that she has always been threatened by YIN with a knife. CARMEN and LAM visit HEI again at home. In order to help HEI recover, LAM wants to give him physical therapy, yet HEI is not willing to accept. NGO accuses YIN of killing YAN’s goldfish after she found it died in the toilet. Surprisingly, the fish is then found alive in NGO’s bedroom.… ...
Episode 15
Release date: 10/10/2008

Episode 15

  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    YIN finds NGO in a park. NGO openly criticizes YIN for fabricating things. At the same time, CARMEN and MAN arrive to bring her home. Financial crisis rumor starts to circulate around YIN’s company after late salary payments. LAM claims the issue is solved immediately with new capital injection when HEI is asking about the company situation. She is so shocked to learn the fact that HEI has been jailed for murder. Nevertheless, she is able to overcome her fears and accepts his past soon after consoled by CARMEN. To escape from YIN, NGO visits and stays at YEE’s home. HEI suggests that NGO can use hidden camera to collect evidence supporting her allegation against YIN. The company issue is settled after salary payment followed by salary increase. However, HEI is curious about company’s new funding. YIN discovers and removes the hidden cameras installed by NGO. Nevertheless, NGO still finds there is one camera left.… ...
Episode 16
Release date: 10/13/2008

Episode 16

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    NGO restores consciousness. She feels betrayed by HEI when?she finds YIN has got her disk, and quickly she dies. Finally,?HEI and LAM become lovers. By using YAN's money, YIN makes large profit in?stock market. FAN's health gets worse and worse after the death?YAN and NGO. MAN urges to take two million dollars from the bequest her father left to her as she wishes to send her mother abroad for medical treatment. A big quarrel erupts between MAN and YIN when YIN refuses to allow her to do so. HEI learns from LAM that she keeps the company safe password in her electronic organizer. CARMEN is so delighted to know that HEI and LAM begin dating. On the contrary, HEI feels very disappointed as CARMEN does not have any feelings of envy. As soon as YIN has gone out to work, MAN leaves with FAN together and then settle in a hotel. HEI phones to MAN for YIN.… ...
Episode 17
Release date: 10/14/2008

Episode 17

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    MAN has no way but to ask ALEX for help to find her a place where she and FAN can stay. LAM is so delighted when HEI suggests going to Cheung Chau with her together. HEI manages to take a peep at LAM’s electronic organizer. YIN overhears ALEX’s phone conversation and hints that ALEX should never try to poke his nose into his business. HEI sneaks into YIN’s office quietly and discovers YIN has earned a lot of money by using YAN’s bequest money. He also takes a photocopy of the document. ALEX is sacked by YIN for misconduct. He believes YIN avenged himself. HEI sends an anonymous document to CARMEN and hopes she will decide herself whether to investigate YIN or not. YIN encounters MAN on the street, he asks her to return home, yet she refuses. MAN finds FAN wanting to kill herself. FAN is diagnosed with depression after she killed herself in vain. Without choices, MAN returns home and admits in front of YIN that she has been wrong.
Episode 18
Release date: 10/15/2008

Episode 18

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI meets KAN who is quarreling with FIONA on the street. For fear that KAN will make thing worse, he accompanies KAN to the insurance company for the follow-up of?TUNG's insurance claim?case.?Soon after,?HEI finds something wrong with the case. He attempts to follow quietly after YIN and?discovers?that he has a secret meeting with TUNG.?HEI takes photos?of their meeting?and sends the pictures to CARMEN.?CARMEN begins to suspect YIN when she finds from YIN's computer that he?is giving favorable comments?in?the investigation?report of TUNG's claimants. Because of CARMEN, YIN declines the bribe, but TUNG refuses to?give it?up. CARMEN begins to evade YIN. YIN, in deep?anxiety, thinks that he will lose CARMEN one day. HEI attempts to approach YIN and alludes to him?in a conversation that he wants to make?quick money and is willing to?take over?TUNG's case which?KAN is handling.… ...
Episode 19
Release date: 10/16/2008

Episode 19

  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    CARMEN eventually discovers HEI is the one who sent her anonymous letters when she helps YEE fix her printer. HEI attempts to convince her that he does not have any bad intentions and he discloses his plan to join YIN?in receiving a bribe. He wishes to collect more evidences to accuse YIN. Soon, HEI?prepares recording device and gets himself ready?to?meet TUNG with YIN together. YIN and HEI get into a fight. YIN vents his anger on HEI as he has learnt that HEI has met CARMEN. HEI is fired immediately. CARMEN takes leave and?has a short stay?at FIONA's home. HEI decides to?break up?with LAM rather than listen to YIP’s suggestion about asking her help to gather evidence.?Yin fails to connect with CARMEN.?With YEE’s help, CARMEN appears just as expected,?after she has received?a message sending from HEI's cellular phone.
Episode 20
Release date: 10/17/2008

Episode 20

  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    After attack, CARMEN who lost consciousness is imprisoned in a village house by YIN. LAM meets HEI who wants to give him evidence of YIN's crime in exchange for a chance to get back together. HEI declines. LAM and FIONA inform HEI as soon as they find CARMEN has gone missing. HEI urges YEE to contact YIN immediately. YIN speaks over the phone that he is staying?together?with CARMEN, consistently, CARMEN says they have got back together. At YIN's home, HEI attempts to search for clues to?CARMEN's whereabouts and is able to rescue her eventually. They encounter YIN when they leave. The trio gets entangled. Accidentally, CARMEN and YIN fall off a cliff. HEI accompanies CARMEN to the police station. Soon after,?YIN appears to accuse them of attack. YIN is annoyed with KAN's involvement in the investigation of TUNG's claim case while he is out of office.… ...
Episode 21
Release date: 10/20/2008

Episode 21

  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HEI tells KAN the fact that YIN has involved in briberies. Further, he thinks YIN will not let KAN go as he has involved himself in the investigation. KAN is panic. HEI attempts to persuade him into stealing the document which he has handed over back to YIN. KAN gets caught by YIN in an attempt to steal the document. After heavy scolding, YIN gives him one hundred thousand dollars and urges him to leave Hong Kong with FIONA together. LAM phones HEI and reports her suspicions about YIN. HEI attempts to stop KAN fleeing. KAN runs to a cliff. HEI blames him for betraying him for money. In fear of YIN, KAN refuses to make accusation. Enraged, HEI hits him with a stone. He flees immediately when KAN keels over. KAN sees YIN standing right in front of him as soon as he restores consciousness. To his surprise, YIN comes to kill him rather than to save him. Cops arrive?at the time when?YIN is about to kill him…
Episode 22
Release date: 10/21/2008

Episode 22

  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    YIN goes missing after cliff fall. YEE is threatened?by someone with a knife when she is going to the market. Soon after, HEI?receives YEE's call and hears YIN's voice on the phone. YIN has kidnapped YEE and demands?a ransom of five hundred thousand dollars from HEI. Immediately, HEI rings Inspector LEE for help. HEI appears to hand over the ransom money. The ransom is snatched by?a man?after?several?location changes. The man is caught who is someone else. YIN assaults HEI unexpectedly and?takes him and YEE to a rooftop. He vents all his anger on?HEI as he thinks HEI has destroyed?his life and snatched CARMEN away. HEI is badly beaten up and gets nearly thrown off the building...CARMEN receives a call unknowingly making from HEI's?cellular phone and comes to know that HEI is being threatened by YIN.?She is subdued soon after?she has arrived?at the scene…