List of episodes of the series «Animated Hero Classics»

  • Seasons count: 2
  • Episodes count: 20
Christopher Columbus
Release date: 6/1/1991

Christopher Columbus

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode description:
    While the whole world sailed east on the path to find China, Columbus believed it could be reached in two weeks… by sailing west! Finally, after securing the support of Queen Isabella of Spain, Columbus set sail. After three weeks of sailing and no sight of land, his crew threatened mutiny. At the moment when all seemed lost and Columbus considered turning back, land was discovered. Columbus realized his dream and America was discovered.
William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving
Release date: 1/1/1970

William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode description:
    William Bradford fled with the Pilgrims to the new world, where he discovered that the price for religious freedom was hunger, sickness and death. As a peacemaker, he befriended the Native Americans who taught the struggling Pilgrims how to survive. By the end of the first year, William Bradford became Governor of the new land. After their first critical harvest, he set aside time for the Pilgrims and their new Native American friends to feast together and express their thanks to God. Thus, William Bradford became the Father of Thanksgiving Day.
George Washington
Release date: 1/1/1970

George Washington

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode description:
    George Washington, “The father of America,” comes to life in this remarkable story about his extraordinary accomplishments as a military leader. Retrace Washington’s steps from “the shot heard ’round the world” at Lexington to the dark days of Valley Forge. Follow his contributions to the forming of a new nation and final peace in 1783. This inspiring tale shows Washington at his best—courageous, determined, humble, brave, and patriotic.
Benjamin Franklin
Release date: 1/1/1970

Benjamin Franklin

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode description:
    High into the stormy sky, a kite with iron points bobs in the wind. Suddenly, lightning cuts through the sky and a spark emits from the key attached to the kite string. As Ben Franklin watched the lightning in Philadelphia’s night sky, he came up with a brilliant discovery—one that would change the world forever. Now, through this remarkable story, you can join this remarkable scientist, inventor and statesman as he rewrites human history because of his experiments with electricity.
Abraham Lincoln
Release date: 1/1/1970

Abraham Lincoln

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode description:
    Over a century ago, only one man stood in the way of the disintegration of the United States of America—and he was a gangly, storytelling country lawyer from Illinois with no political experience at the national level. And yet by the sheer force of his will and his uncompromising stand on critical issues, Abraham Lincoln not only saved the nation but carved out an immortal place in world history. This fascinating story inspires viewers with the life of America’s most beloved president.
Thomas Edison
Release date: 1/1/1970

Thomas Edison

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode description:
    Never was genius more fun! Thomas Edison opens up the laboratory of America’s most celebrated inventor and invites you to explore its secrets. This fast-paced, bird’s eye view of Edison’s legendary career takes you to behind the scenes to reveal the daily discoveries with “the Wizard of Menlo Park.” Sprinkled with humor and packed with little-known details about the search for a working electric light bulb, this story will help you see for yourself why Edison quipped, “Genius is about one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Florence Nightingale
Release date: 1/1/1970

Florence Nightingale

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode description:
    It was the height of the Crimean War, and English soldiers were wounded and dying by the hundreds. The shocking conditions of British field hospitals only worsened potential recovery. Into these rat and flea-infested facilities stepped a woman of uncompromising convictions, great patience and an iron will. When Florence Nightingale, “The Lady of the Lamp,” arrived on the scene, the science and practice of nursing soon changed all over the world, forever.
Release date: 1/1/1970


  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode description:
    Except for the raw courage of Native American princess, Pocahontas, the English settlers at Jamestown in the early 17th century would have died from starvation and exposure. Her brave intervention saved the settlers’ lives and brought peace between two very different peoples. Recapture all the drama and suspense that filled the early days of America’s colonization. History comes alive as you meet an inquisitive girl who grows into a great ambassador for peace.
Louis Pasteur
Release date: 4/4/1995

Louis Pasteur

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode description:
    The time is 1860, and cholera is beginning to spread throughout France's chicken population. Louis Pasteur and his assistant, Emile Roux, collect samples and deduce that disease can be transmitted through air. They then draw blood from the chickens and see an unidentified germ in the specimens. While Pasteur and Roux work with the samples of blood, Pasteur has a debilitating stroke. From his bed, he expresses his determination to live, and continues to work with Roux by writing him notes. He tells Roux to inject the chickens with the contaminated blood. The chickens die. When Pasteur finally comes back to the laboratory, they discover the blood has altered from time. When they inject this blood into the chickens again, the cholera germs are killed.They have created a vaccination for the chickens. Meanwhile, sheep begin to die from anthrax. Even though other scientists mock Pasteur's findings, they agree to let him experiment on 25 sheep...
Maccabees: The Story of Hanukkah
Release date: 1/1/1970

Maccabees: The Story of Hanukkah

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode description:
    Journey to Palestine of the second century B.C., where Antiochus, a Syrian-Greek king, rules over the people of Israel, confronting them with a trying test of their faith. They must bow down and accept the Greek gods…or die! Some submit, but not the Maccabees, a small group true to the faith of their fathers. The spirit and determination of the Maccabees lives today in the celebration of Hanukkah, The Feast of Lights.