List of episodes of the series «Art Traffickers: Treasures Stolen from the Tombs»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 4
The Euphronios Krater
Release date: 10/16/2021

The Euphronios Krater

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode description:
    Ancient Greek artifact The Euphronios Krater was bought by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1972 but was thought to have been excavated illegally in Italy the year before. The ensuing investigation implicated American art dealer Robert Hecht and the Italian antiques dealer Giacomo Medici.
The Goddess of Morgantina
Release date: 10/16/2021

The Goddess of Morgantina

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode description:
    In 1988, the Getty Museum in California acquired a statue depicting a Greek goddess for an eye-watering £18 million. However, with its dubious accompanying provenance, suspicions begin to arise that it is actually a stolen artifact, leading to an investigation that finds alleged links to organised crime.
The Capitoline Triad
Release date: 10/16/2021

The Capitoline Triad

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode description:
    The Capitoline Triad is a unique sculpture that comprised the three Roman deities Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, and was discovered in the ancient Villa of Inviolata in 1992 by grave robbers. This episodes retraces the Italian military police's investigation, which led to them successfully retrieving it two years later in Switzerland.
The Vase of Asteas
Release date: 10/16/2021

The Vase of Asteas

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode description:
    The remarkable story of how the Vase of Asteas was initially sold by the tomb robber who discovered it for a million lire and a pig, eventually finding its way to the Getty Museum in California, but how a chance car crash and a rogue Polaroid helped bring the unique artifact back to its place of origin.