List of episodes of the series «A Change of Heart»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 30
  • Total viewing time: 22 h. 30 m.
Episode 1
Release date: 6/3/2013

Episode 1

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    FONG CHI-LIK, a formidable businessman, is renowned for being ruthless and quick-tempered, taking any means necessary to achieve his goals. In order to successfully acquire an old urban district and redevelop it into a sleepless city, CHI-LIK frightens Acquisitor WOON with threats over and over again. CHI-LIK's wife TONG SIN-HANG is very meticulous, taking care of things for her husband behind the scene. As a nurse, SIN-HANG not only looks after CHI-LIK's health, but also deals with the political infighting of CHI-LIK's company. After having her car rear-ended by a truck, SIN-HANG demands indemnities from the truck driver, who then suffers a heart attack while driving away for fear of having no money to pay. Fortunately, an off-duty police officer YUEN SHIU-GAT riding a bicycle passes by, helping the driver out of trouble.… ...
Episode 2
Release date: 6/4/2013

Episode 2

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With CHI-LIK being admitted in hospital, some changes have taken place in his company. KY, who claims to be a co-founder of the company, seizes the opportunity to convene a board meeting, coercing CHI-LIK to let him take over the management. A cakery owner reports to the police that he has suffered repetitive property damages by someone anonymous and suspects it was the deed of a land developer regarding property acquisition, so SHIU-GAT brings along YAT-SHAN there for the on-site investigation. YAT-SHAN takes SHIU-GAT to a nursing home to visit his grand aunt LUK YUNG, but SHIU-GAT leaves early after suddenly receiving a tip-off regarding a tattooed brothel client. Later on, SHIU-GAT reveals the issues of her mother to YAT-SHAN, trying to make him understand the reason why she has not agreed to marry him. Taking advantage of the police investigation, CHI-LIK puts pressure on Acquisitor WOON.… ...
Episode 3
Release date: 6/5/2013

Episode 3

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHI-LIK requests all staff to undergo a health checkup, but finds out that only few are in good health. So SIN-HANG is determined to get a suitable donor organ by any means necessary. CHUN-PING's girlfriend YAT-FEI is a postgraduate student. After learning that her parents will come to Hong Kong, CHUN-PING changes his car regardless of the enormous cost. SIN-HANG also helps receive them because she regards CHUN-PING as her own family member. SHIU-GAT joins forces with another team led by CHIU SIR to catch a lecher obsessed with long legs, during which she comes to realize that his team members have long been lazy and sluggish. She also re-encounters her primary school good friend, HA SZE-KA, in the mission. LUK YUNG borrows money from a finance company for YAT-SHAN's twin brother YUET-SHAN, but she ends up fleeing for fear of being asked to pay off the debt. As a result of carelessness, CHIU SIR falls and dies.… ...
Episode 4
Release date: 6/6/2013

Episode 4

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHI-LIK treats his subordinates really well, purchasing a luxury mansion for newly-married CHUN-PING and YAT-FEI. Understanding his time is limited, CHI-LIK hopes SIN-HANG will continue the development of the sleepless city, and he even makes his will as he feels that he has already reached his time. With her credit card being due, plus her landlord demanding the rental payment, SZE-KA comes up with an idea to obtain SIN-CHI's new mobile phone by deception. CHI-LIK does not even have the strength to utter a word, so he blames YAT-SHAN for failing to heal him of his sickness. Apart from secretly ordering an engagement ring, YAT-SHAN also invites SHIU-GAT to the beach, where he tells her some bygones so as to encourage her to walk out of the shadows. On top of that, YAT-SHAN also seizes the chance to propose to her.… ...
Episode 5
Release date: 6/7/2013

Episode 5

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Notwithstanding a surgery, YAT-SHAN is pronounced brain dead, so CHI-LIK gets informed that the heart transplant operation can proceed. SHIU-GAT thinks there’s something suspicious behind YAT-SHAN’s death, so she goes to the scene to investigate it. The transplant operation completes successfully, however, due to the privacy of the donor’s identity, CHI-LIK is unable to express his gratitude for that. SIN-HANG gives a precious necklace to YAT-FEI, who instead worries about CHUN-PING. WING-YAN brings SHIU-GAT home to celebrate her father’s birthday, and her father is actually SHIU-GAT's subordinate, namely SAI-KAU. During her visit, SHIU-GAT gets to know that all her co-workers express strong dissatisfaction over her. CHI-LIK did not have a sweet tooth before his surgery, but now he often craves sweets on impulse. Ever since YAT-SHAN's death, SIN-CHI has been visiting SHIU-GAT to avoid leaving her alone.… ...
Episode 6
Release date: 6/10/2013

Episode 6

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    The man whom SHIU-GAT met looks alike YAT-SHAN very much, and he turns out to be YAT-SHAN's twin brother YUET-SHAN. YUET-SHAN merely resembles his elder brother in looks, in fact, he is a trifler, living by his wits. When visiting LUK YUNG, SHIU-GAT thinks that YUET-SHAN has already informed her about YAT-SHAN's death, unexpectedly, YUET-SHAN shows up in the nursing home wearing clothes similar to his late brother YAT-SHAN. CHUN-PING and YAT-FEI are enthusiastically preparing for their wedding ceremony, during which the two argue a bit as YAT-FEI wants to devote herself in social work. Although CHI-LIK hopes to show his appreciation to the donor, SIN-CHI tells him that the hospital is refrained from revealing any information of the donor. CHI-LIK and SIN-CHI are going to witness the marriage of CHUN-PING and YAT-FEI in their good suits, however, they arrive at the funeral of the late YAT-SHAN.… ...
Episode 7
Release date: 6/11/2013

Episode 7

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YUET-SHAN refers to SIN-CHI for information of the relationship between YAT-SHAN and CHI-LIK, but SIN-CHI sees through him, knowing that he just tries to play up to CHI-LIK. YUET-SHAN then changes his subject, claiming that he can help SIN-CHI get his phone back. He carefully disguises himself into a wealthy younger generation, which has an effect on SZE-KA's vanity, so he finally manages to take back the phone for SIN-CHI. Upon their return from their honeymoon, CHUN-PING and YAT-FEI report to CHI-LIK that KY starts plotting something in secret again ever since he failed to seize power in the last shareholder's meeting. In order to mend fences with KY, CHI-LIK invites him to play tennis together, yet the two start yelling at each other at the tennis court, and the peace talks between them are also blown away.… ...
Episode 8
Release date: 6/12/2013

Episode 8

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Having been arranged to work as a bartender, YUET-SHAN goes to double check with CHI-LIK to see whether there is any misunderstanding, but CHI-LIK tells him to start from a lower-level position. SHIU-GAT and SZE-KA start to live together, and the two often have conflicts between each other owing to their different life-styles. When SZE-KA reports for duty, she sees that YUET-SHAN has been working as a waiter in the same place. In his business report, CHUN-PING states that the progress of the sleepless city is hindered due to KY's action on the sly. Furthermore, someone is reportedly promoting natural volcano beauty mud, which arises SIN-HANG's interest, so she orders CHUN-PING to probe into it. Following CHUN-PING's investigation, CHI-LIK plans to pass it up, nevertheless, SIN-HANG proposes passing on the beauty treatment plan to KY.… ...
Episode 9
Release date: 6/13/2013

Episode 9

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    While dining with SIN-HANG, YAT-FEI reveals her boring life as a newly-married wife. SIN-HANG tries to intercede for YAT-FEI so that she can go out and work, on the contrary, her move triggers the conflict between the couple. SZE-KA recalls that SHIU-GAT really wanted to have a birthday party with the performances of a magician and clown during her childhood, so she forces YUET-SHAN to undertake the task now. SHIU-GAT plays the game of Mastermind with YUET-SHAN, who reminds her about the late YAT-SHAN. KY finally comes to realize that he has fallen into a trap, so he goes to have a word with CHI-LIK. CHI-LIK not only coerces KY to sell his shares, but also plans to transfer the shares sold by KY to SIN-HANG. YUET-SHAN sees SIN-HANG and YAT-FEI when he seeks aid from the community centre, trying to apply for allowances in relief for the nursing home fees. All of a sudden, someone attempts to take away SIN-HANG by force.… ...
Episode 10
Release date: 6/14/2013

Episode 10

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAT-FEI is safe, and CHUN-PING is no longer against the idea of letting YAT-FEI work. When CHUN-PING and YUET-SHAN assesses a new wine, YUET-SHAN discovers there is something wrong with the new wine and suggests reporting it to CHI-LIK as soon as possible. However, CHUN-PING thinks they should conduct a thorough investigation, resulting in that SZE-KA gets sick after secretly drinking the wine out of greed. WING-YAN was very confident that she would get a job as a social work officer, yet YAT-FEI defeats her to win the job. When WING-YAN was going to pour out her grievance to SHIU-GAT, she sees that everyone cares only about YAT-FEI, so she takes off in a huff. SIN-CHI chases after WING-YAN and tries to comfort her, who suddenly kisses him. Although YUET-SHAN has been promoted, he is requested by SZE-KA to buy some take-out food with BEN.… ...
Episode 11
Release date: 6/17/2013

Episode 11

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SIN-CHI really takes notice of the early traffic accident involving some dogs, suspecting that someone is using the dogs to smuggle drugs. Ever since YAT-FEI became their superior, WING-YAN and other staff members' workload has surged tremendously. While WING-YAN complains that YAT-FEI gives them unreasonable instructions without prior knowledge on the tasks, YAT-FEI also senses that her colleagues have prejudices against her due to her being a celebrity. CHUN-PING and YUET-SHAN have been acquainted with each other, and YUET-SHAN is requested by CHUN-PING to spy on in the club. SHIU-GAT gets injured while leading her squad in an operation, but SZE-KA cares only about playing Mahjong with someone else and leaves her alone at home to rest. Having seen YUET-SHAN in a daze, SHIU-GAT misconceives him to be the late YAT-SHAN, trying to get close to him.… ...
Episode 12
Release date: 6/18/2013

Episode 12

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With regard to a valuable watch being reportedly lost by a night club guest, YUET-SHAN questions SZE-KA whether she has anything to do with it, but SZE-KA denies it. YUET-SHAN and SIN-CHI bump into a colleague from the club, PETER, whom they think is suspicious. In the meantime, YUET-SHAN gets a phone call, claiming that SZE-KA has been abducted by the owner of the watch, a mobster HUNG. Knowing that CHI-LIK is upset about not getting a haircut due to Master SHEUNG's retirement, SIN-HANG goes to have a word with Master SHEUNG in private, threatening him to resume his profession as a barber. CHI-LIK, in an attempt to help YAT-FEI to deal with the problems of young night drifters, finally launches a project to help the youth, named "Operation Down". YAT-FEI is in charge of fundraising, whereas WING-YAN is responsible for the recruitment of new volunteers.… ...
Episode 13
Release date: 6/19/2013

Episode 13

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    In the middle of his meeting at the office, CHI-LIK receives a phone call from SIN-CHI, who tells him that his father MING-SUM has been admitted in hospital after having potential symptoms of lymphoma cancer. CHI-LIK then adjourns the meeting in a hurry and urges SIN-HANG to visit her father. YUET-SHAN is still very popular in the club. In order to be able to stay alone with YUET-SHAN, SZE-KA pretends to have something to say, trying to gain his sympathy. Moreover, she airs her grievances to him by taking SHIU-GAT's loss of mother as her own experience. As the young night drifter YIN-KUEN is accused of stealing and then fired, YAT-FEI decides to conduct a home visit on her own. Until then, she has finally realised how hard it is to provide outreaching services. Having learned about this, CHI-LIK agrees to let YIN-KUEN work with YUET-SHAN as a junior bartender.… ...
Episode 14
Release date: 6/20/2013

Episode 14

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    In order to uphold a successful company image, SIN-HANG intends to make a teen movie with the models from her company. YUET-SHAN, SZE-KA and SIN-CHI think that SHIU-GAT holds a rather rigid and boring routine, so they try to help her form a new image. As a result, not only does SHIU-GAT look different, but also SZE-KA appears in a new style. With SIN-CHI solving problems for SZE-KA again, others think he has a crush on her, yet he immediately denies it. CHI-LIK invites SIN-CHI and SIN-HANG to dine out together. At first, SIN-HANG was not planning to go. Having accomplished her task ahead of schedule, she rushes to the restaurant, but to her surprise, she sees CHI-LIK is dining with SHIU-GAT. LOK-MAN, one of SHIU-GAT's team members, is called as the "Goddess of the Police" by the netizens. She then resigns and joins SIN-HANG's modeling company.… ...
Episode 15
Release date: 6/21/2013

Episode 15

  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    While all the shareholders are praising SIN-HANG for her proper management on the crisis of the model's suicide attempt, the profit of the finance company is instead sinking, so CHI-LIK claims to take full responsibility. SIN-CHI meets up with SAI-KAU, hoping that he, as a police, would help investigate the unsolved death of SHIU-GAT's mother. Surprisingly, SAI-KAU discovers that the murder victim was actually his old flame of a young age, so he suspects whether SHIU-GAT and him are biologically related. YUET-SHAN approaches CHUN-PING, proposing a Bartending Competition, but gets no support from the latter. Getting inspired by SHIU-GAT, YUET-SHAN comes up with a feasible plan. The two then hurry in making an overnight proposal, which is misconceived by SIN-CHI that the two are seeing each other.… ...
Episode 16
Release date: 6/24/2013

Episode 16

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    The small loan project implemented by YUET-SHAN attracts CHI-LIK's attention, thus YUET-SHAN gets promoted to project officer. SZE-KA decides to curry favor with YUET-SHAN's grand aunt LUK YUNG, hoping to become his secretary. SAI-KAU inquires things about SHIU-GAT's father, and is determined to amend his mistakes. CHUN-PING gets an injection of capital from a Malaysian investor LAM KENG-SHUI to the movie produced by the modeling company. On the other hand, in order to have enough funding for the sleepless city investment, SIN-HANG secretly invests in stocks by using company assets, and requests CHUN-PING to conceal it from CHI-LIK for her. Discovering that SIN-CHI has developed some feelings for SHIU-GAT, SAI-KAU encourages him to take the initiative in pursuing SHIU-GAT. SIN-CHI's father has made great improvement in recovering from his illness.… ...
Episode 17
Release date: 6/25/2013

Episode 17

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YUET-SHAN learns from SZE-KA that SIN-HANG and CHUN-PING have lost company money in bad investments, so he hints it vaguely to CHI-LIK. Right after SIN-HANG returns, CHI-LIK asks about the reason behind her alleged involvement in the embezzlement, triggering an argument between the pair. On the other hand, YAT-FEI goes to seek SIN-HANG's advice because CHUN-PING is often too busy to talk to her. CHUN-PING knows that it's YUET-SHAN who has blabbed to CHI-LIK, therefore SIN-HANG alerts CHUN-PING to keep an eye on YUET-SHAN to avoid letting the latter supersede him in the company. SHIU-GAT pays tribute to the late YAT-SHAN on his birthday, ahead of which YUET-SHAN has already arrived there to pay his respects to his late brother. Coincidently, SIN-CHI also comes to pay his tribute when he sees YUET-SHAN and SHIU-GAT being together, which is a fatal blow on him.… ...
Episode 18
Release date: 6/26/2013

Episode 18

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SHIU-GAT is waiting interminably at the pier alone when she runs into CHI-LIK who just arrives. Due to the heavy fog at night in the countryside, CHI-LIK accidentally twists his ankle, and is accompanied by SHIU-GAT to the boat to receive first-aid treatment, during which the two chat with each other about their love lives. Having returned home, CHI-LIK breaks the deadlock in his relationship with SIN-HANG, and SIN-HANG also knows that he has been with SHIU-GAT the whole night. Upon her return, SHIU-GAT sees that YUET-SHAN and SZE-KA end up in the same bed, so she gets really mad and drives away YUET-SHAN. In a restaurant, waiter YUK all of a sudden grabs a knife to attack SZE-KA. While hunting YUK, SAI-KAU suffers severe stab wounds to his abdomen and is sent to hospital, ahead of which he reveals to SHIU-GAT and SIN-CHI that he is actually SHIU-GAT's biological father.… ...
Episode 19
Release date: 6/27/2013

Episode 19

  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With CHI-LIK once again suffering injuries for saving SHIU-GAT, SIN-HANG cannot refrain from getting jealous at SHIU-GAT. On the flip side, CHI-LIK who is determined to make a match between SHIU-GAT and YUET-SHAN says he will do all in his power to help YUET-SHAN. In order to get close to CHI-LIK, SHIU-GAT purposely goes to the restaurant that CHI-LIK often visits, and takes away the wine glass for lab testing. Despite being stopped by SHIU-GAT, SIN-CHI still pays a visit to CHI-LIK's home by taking advantage of visiting his own sister so as to investigate CHI-LIK's past. Occasionally, YUET-SHAN spots that KEN from his company socializes with some problematic clients and smells something fishy, so he joins forces with SZE-KA to investigate KEN. The photo of SHIU-GAT hearing CHI-LIK's heartbeat from an earlier time makes the cover of a magazine, greatly affecting her career.… ...
Episode 20
Release date: 6/28/2013

Episode 20

  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Eventually, YUET-SHAN manages to move SHIU-GAT. Though SHIU-GAT has accepted YUET-SHAN, she appears reluctant to start a relationship with him. SHIU-GAT knows that she must probe into KY who endured hardship with CHI-LIK from the very beginning if she wants to investigate CHI-LIK's past. When KENG-SHUI urges SIN-HANG to make up her mind on their joint venture to build some film studios as soon as possible, SIN-HANG comes to realize that KENG-SHUI's real intention is to launder money under the disguise of the entertainment industry. SIN-HANG attempts to appoint CHUN-PING as the business decision-maker in order to get a green light for her film studios investment, so she tries to wheedle each shareholder into voting for promoting CHUN-PING. Though CHI-LIK agrees with her, he suggests promoting YUET-SHAN to his special assistant, reporting directly to him.… ...
Episode 21
Release date: 7/1/2013

Episode 21

  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SIN-HANG feels really disappointed when she knows that CHI-LIK is going to check the financial statements of her modeling company, so she goes to talk to CHUN-PING, venting her grievances. When CHUN-PING returns home, he is thrilled with joy after YAT-FEI tells him that she is pregnant. SHIU-GAT receives a phone call from YUET-SHAN, who asks her to hurry to an industrial building. Upon her arrival, she sees that YUET-SHAN formed a band with some young guys and are playing music, so she feels that she was just worrying too much. When checking CHI-LIK's pulse during a follow-up consultation, SIN-CHI notices there is a dragon tattoo with some lettering namely "POWER" on his arm. CHI-LIK receives a phone call from his old friend CHU CHUNG-YAN. It turns out that CHUNG-YAN wants to blackmail CHI-LIK as the latter appeared in the industrial building which was a murder crime scene.… ...
Episode 22
Release date: 7/2/2013

Episode 22

  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    The testimony given by a security person of the industrial building, HUNG SHU-GAN, indicates that he saw YUET-SHAN tangle with VENASSA.S over something, which seems very much against YUET-SHAN. SHIU-GAT cannot investigate the case because YUET-SHAN is her boyfriend, so she has to probe into the matter in private. With SIN-CHI's help, SHIU-GAT deduces that SHU-GAN has given false testimony. In the general meeting of the shareholders, someone suggests dismissing YUET-SHAN, but SIN-HANG reverses her attitude towards YUET-SHAN, covering him up. SAI-KAU presents new evidence with regard to SHIU-GAT's mother, SHIU-LAN's murder case. SHIU-GAT learns about CHI-LIK's running routes, where she manages to get CHI-LIK's hair sample for lab testing. Having the mindset that CHUN-PING is having an affair, YAT-FEI goes to discuss this with SIN-HANG, who convinces her to endure it for the sake of her unborn child.… ...
Episode 23
Release date: 7/3/2013

Episode 23

  • Episode number: 23
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    While SHIU-GAT is recording SHU-GAN's statement, SHU-GAN insists that he did not kill anyone in the past. Following wide media coverage on the matter of SHU-GAN, WING-YAN comes to realize SHIU-GAT's bygones, and YUEN-SUM is also concerned about her very much. CHI-LIK makes an appointment with SHIU-GAT, making it clear that SHU-GAN is not the murderer. In a convenience store, SZE-KA lays bare the evil plot when a man tries to rape a girl by drugging her, which is video recorded by a passer-by and put on the internet with SZE-KA being called a "Scum Killer". Moreover, she participates in a movie production of the event. YAT-FEI asks CHUN-PING whether he is having an affair. CHUN-PING instead pleads his drunken misbehavior. Suspecting that KENG-SHUI's true intention behind his investment is for money laundering, CHI-LIK refuses to cooperate with him.… ...
Episode 24
Release date: 7/4/2013

Episode 24

  • Episode number: 24
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHI-LIK convenes a meeting of the shareholders where he explains the issue of surrendering himself to the police. Apart from that, he also appoints YUET-SHAN to be the substitute chairman of the company. In the meeting, YUET-SHAN proposes re-designing the Sleepless City, and transferring the funds of the filming studios to the Sleepless City, but is rejected by SIN-HANG and CHUN-PING immediately. SZE-KA persuades YUET-SHAN that he should not cross SIN-HANG anymore in light of the fact that the chairman is no longer in the company. WING-YAN turns down SIN-CHI when the latter shows his affection for her. While the two are tangling with each other, to their surprise, they see SIN-HANG and CHUN-PING hugging and kissing each other. YUET-SHAN goes to CHI-LIK's home to report to him. After learning that YUET-SHAN's power in the company is usurped, CHI-LIK cannot help feeling disappointed at his wife.… ...
Episode 25
Release date: 7/5/2013

Episode 25

  • Episode number: 25
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SZE-KA is concerned that SHIU-GAT and YUET-SHAN gradually become estranged, whereas SHIU-GAT considers that each of them has different points of view. Believing that the murderer has been brought to justice, SHIU-GAT goes to pay respect to her late mother, where she coincidently meets YUEN-SUM, who is on her way for deity worship. In response to YAT-FEI's accusation of him having an affair, CHUN-PING lies to her, saying that he was just working overnight. With YAT-FEI successfully stopping a girl from committing suicide by using her own life experience as an example, SHIU-GAT learns that YAT-FEI's family issue has also been bothering her, so she shows her SIU-WAN's photo, hoping to encourage her. Once again, SHIU-GAT examines the evidence and prepares for the court. Suddenly, she notices there is an earring which does not belong to SHIU-LAN.… ...
Episode 26
Release date: 7/8/2013

Episode 26

  • Episode number: 26
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SHIU-GAT starts re-investigating the death of YAT-SHAN. She starts by questioning SIN-HANG, and CHUN-PING also questions SIN-HANG, who has no choice but to reveal everything to CHUN-PING. While SIN-HANG visits CHI-LIK in prison, CHI-LIK tells her he would like to turn his company into a conscious business enterprise if he gets out of the prison, but he is mocked by SIN-HANG, who thinks he is no longer his old self. YAT-FEI decides to leave Hong Kong alone, but suffers a miscarriage in the end after being entangled in a dispute with CHUN-PING. Eventually, SHIU-GAT gets a chance to explain everything to YUET-SHAN, however, YUET-SHAN frankly tells her that it is too late. Furthermore, he even reveals his relationship with SZE-KA. After having miscarried, YAT-FEI suffers from depression, and even attempts to commit suicide.… ...
Episode 27
Release date: 7/9/2013

Episode 27

  • Episode number: 27
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SHIU-GAT is confirmed to have a detached retina after being rushed to hospital. YUET-SHAN gives SHIU-GAT a music box in secret without letting others know, so they think YUET-SHAN turned a cold shoulder. SIN-HANG demands YUET-SHAN to ingratiate himself with the shareholders, hoping to seek their supportive nomination, as she wants to replace CHI-LIK to become the company chairwoman once the latter gets out of jail. Knowing that SIN-CHI once had a crush on SHIU-GAT, YUET-SHAN encourages SIN-CHI to pursue SHIU-GAT, causing disaffection between him and SIN-CHI, who even hits YUET-SHAN with a fist. SHIU-GAT has fully recovered and continues to work with her co-workers in pursuit of truth about the death of YAT-SHAN. SIN-HANG declines CHUN-PING's request of the severance payment amount, so CHUN-PING dashes back to the company, arguing with her. YAT-FEI worries about CHUN-PING and calls SHIU-GAT for help.… ...
Episode 28
Release date: 7/10/2013

Episode 28

  • Episode number: 28
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With her efforts to become a chairwoman falling through, SIN-HANG unexpectedly asks CHI-LIK for a divorce. CHI-LIK decides to terminate the business of the modeling company, leading to a fall-out in investments of the movie and filming studios that SIN-HANG and LAM KENG-SHUI were cooperating. As a result, SIN-HANG faces a claw back threat from LAM KENG-SHUI for his loss in total of $200 million. CHI-LIK goes to negotiate with KENG-SHUI, however, he only carries $50 million in cash with him. YUET-SHAN hopes to mend his relationship with SHIU-GAT, who currently cares nothing but to solve the case and lacks the strength to start a relationship again. In order to show his determination, YUET-SHAN buries the watch given by SHIU-GAT in the landmark of the isolated island, where they were viewing the fireflies. Nursing his grievance against SIN-HANG, LAM KENG-SHUI disfigures her face.… ...
Episode 29
Release date: 7/11/2013

Episode 29

  • Episode number: 29
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    As CHI-LIK is having a discussion with his lawyer, SAI-KAU together with other police ask him to assist their investigation over allegations of murder of YAT-SHAN, and money laundering through his company, etc. Most surprisingly, it turns out to be YUET-SHAN who testified against him for money laundering. In order to revive YUET-SHAN and SHIU-GAT's spirits, SIN-CHI and WING-YAN suggest throwing a feast party in YUET-SHAN's home and having fun. Instead, YUET-SHAN successfully hooks SIN-CHI up with WING-YAN as a result. The evidence that YUET-SHAN could not find turns out to be discovered by TUNG-KIN, who uses it to blackmail SIN-HANG. SHIU-GAT tails after TUNG-KIN, seeing him act abnormally. Knowing the whole thing is a complete failure, TUNG-KIN attempts to flee.… ...
Episode 30
Release date: 7/12/2013

Episode 30

  • Episode number: 30
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    SIN-CHI's father, who suffers from heart disease, suddenly has an argument with SIN-HANG in SIN-CHI's ward, and then passes away as a result of sudden heart attack. SIN-HANG then drowns her sorrows in drink alone in a pub, and upon her leaving, she seems to see the late YAT-SHAN. What's more, she even sees SHIU-GAT, who appears to mock her for her disfigurement. Confronting SHIU-GAT face-to-face, SIN-HANG frankly discloses why she had done her wrong. Eventually SIN-HANG is arrested, however, on their way to take her under escort, the police car accidentally falls into the sea and SIN-HANG vanishes into thin air. Time flies, SHIU-GAT who had been away from Hong Kong to take time off finally returns, and she and YUET-SHAN are soon to be married. Before their wedding, YUET-SHAN receives a call from SHIU-GAT's mobile phone, to his surprise, the one who called him turns out to be SIN-HANG, who has been missing for over a year.… ...