List of episodes of the series «Grisù»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 52
  • Total viewing time: 15 h. 40 m.
The Fireman
Release date: 1/1/1975

The Fireman

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu was supposed to be Sir Cedric's watchdog. But since he has not proven himself, he just becomes a simple household dog. When the little dragon is supposed to fetch the newspaper for his master, he sets the whole newsstand on fire with excitement. Nevertheless, Sir Cedric makes him the progenitor of a breeding.
The train conductor
Release date: 1/1/1975

The train conductor

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The little dragon is sad because there is still no vacancy at the fire brigade. So he attends the count's railway school, becomes a heater and finally - the locomotive driver of a fast train. One day, when a minister is sitting on his train, a mighty boulder falls on the rails!
The astronaut
Release date: 1/1/1975

The astronaut

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    In a lonely, wild valley of Scotland live two dragons: Fumé, the father, and Tizzone Grisu, his son. They are the only descendants of a glorious family, to which even King Arthur's court dragon belonged. Fumé is at the service of the local tourism organization. His arts as a fire-breathing dragon are considered a great attraction for holidaymakers. But Grisu doesn't want to spit fire for the tourists. He'd rather be a firefighter. But he is really unlucky: as a firefighter he does not find a position, and in other professions he usually only experiences clean falls. Sir Cedric offers the young dragon the chance to become an astronaut. Grisu first visits the Count's Space Center.
The flying oil sardine
Release date: 1/1/1975

The flying oil sardine

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The dragon's father, Fumé, who is already nine hundred years old, tells the little Grisu from his youth: how the Queen quarreled with her father Zampirone; how the bravest stretches lost in the battle against Zampirone; how the Queen decided to use a last resort against Zampirone: the anti-dragon machine "flying oil sardines" ...
The secret agent
Release date: 1/1/1975

The secret agent

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu is still struggling to become a firefighter. . That's why he decides to prove himself as a secret agent! In the middle of the night, the hungry Grisu raids Sir Cedric's fridge.
The nuclear physicist
Release date: 1/1/1975

The nuclear physicist

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu, the little dragon, became an atomic physicist and immediately made a great discovery: "Whiskium" can calm excited creatures. Even wars could be prevented! But a president and his deputy director have other plans. With tricks, they'll soon be able to fool Grisu.
The farmer
Release date: 1/1/1975

The farmer

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The funny little Grisu wants to try farming this time. Thanks to the secret help of his father, he is able to cultivate a rocky valley and find a spring. By diligent crossbreeding Grisu now manages to breed amazing plants. Ministers and experts are enthusiastic. But as so often with the mini-dragon: his work is in vain in the end!
All kinds of cheap things
Release date: 1/1/1975

All kinds of cheap things

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Today he is supposed to transport an iceberg from the North Sea to Africa because it has not rained for a long time. With Father Fumé, Grisu manages the company! But in the heat, the iceberg begins to thaw, and Grisu experiences many surprises.
Disasters after disasters
Release date: 1/1/1975

Disasters after disasters

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu really wants to be a firefighter. But Sir Cedric can't offer him a job. There are plenty of dangerous assignments: Grisu tames a wild horse with the eloquent name "catastrophe". With Papa Fumé, he saves a bridge from collapsing.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    What no one can do, the little dragon Grisu can do. He actually solves the mystery of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, in which ships always disappear. And Grisu defeats the evil three-headed dragon Flamagor, who dwells on a distant planet. Everybody's happy, except our hero. Because he still hasn't become a fireman.
A wide range of professions
Release date: 1/1/1975

A wide range of professions

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu is pissed. There's still no job open for him at the fire department. Then the little dragon decides to wander into the world to seek his happiness elsewhere. He comes to Hollywood and becomes a famous director. But he doesn't like all this. Finally, Grisu lands as a sailor on a whaler. There he even rescues a ship from distress.
Good deeds
Release date: 1/1/1975

Good deeds

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Relatives from the planet Drakon visit Fumé and Grisu. They ask the two to fly with them in the spaceship to Drakon. There the three-headed dragon Flamagor attacks them, and since they do not have a ray of fire, they are at his mercy. Fumé doesn't want to go, but Grisu lures him into the spaceship with a trick. After this adventure, Grisu and Fumé get into a quarrel with Count Leonard, who forbids his native children to cultivate the fields.
Glowing heat and icy cold
Release date: 1/1/1975

Glowing heat and icy cold

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Three scientists have chosen Fumé and Grisu to search for the traces of the Naftans, the natives of the desert empire, in the realm of Emir El Tapin. During the excavations, the dragons discover an oil well. El Tapin is now rich, and soon there are people who want to sell him something - one is a gangster with whom the little dragon has to fight terribly. As soon as this adventure is over, a new danger lurks back home in Scotland: a lorry carrying Sir Cedric and Grisu crashes into an ice cave during a snowstorm. Now the fiery Fumé saves the two.
Paris, Paris
Release date: 1/1/1975

Paris, Paris

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The Dragon Valley is flooded. A power plant is to be built nearby, so a river has been diverted. Sir Cedric brings Fumé a letter from Paris. An advertising agency wants to hire Fumé for a commercial! When the commercial is shot, there is a dispute. Fumé is supposed to be misused as an advertising figure for a liquor advertisement. A ray of fire escapes him and cameras and decorations burn. Despite the failure, however, father and son remain as tourists in Paris. During a walk they witness a house fire. Three people are trapped. The fire department is powerless. Grisu and Fumé manage to save the couple and their child. And yet another adventure awaits the two heroes in Paris. They run into a dangerous gang of burglars who are after the gold treasure in the National Bank's vault. The gang is disarmed by Fumé and Grisu and handed over to the police. Afterwards, father and son return to Drachental.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    A lot of snow fell overnight in the Dragon Valley. Little Grisu gets a lot of sweat when he's cleaning it up. As a reward, Sir Cedric and Lady Rowena invite him on an adventure flight over the South Sea. But the plane has to make an emergency landing. Uncle Joyfire is a savior in need. He's taking everyone to Dragon Island. Again, they are not safe: the island is being invaded.
Distant countries
Release date: 1/1/1975

Distant countries

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Together with Father Fumé, the little dragon Grisu, who wants to become a firefighter, sets off on new adventures. With his jet of fire he drains a marshland - and accidentally destroys everything he has invented for the needy inhabitants of the land of Streminopia.
Natural disasters
Release date: 1/1/1975

Natural disasters

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu is looking forward to a quiet weekend with Father Fumé and Sir Cedric. But it's not going to happen. The island state of Rupe-Fuschia is constantly foggy. When Fumé manages to rekindle the extinct volcano, the weather finally improves.
Severe weather
Release date: 1/1/1975

Severe weather

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The air in Fulgaria is electrically charged and radioactive. Grisu and Father Fumé want to help the residents. The little one invents devices that are supposed to make life easier. With his ray of fire he destroys the underground power source and is hailed as a hero.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu and his father Fumé travel to Africa to visit the noble sons of the desert. Because it's so hot, a plane drops bottles of mineral water every day. Luckily, because fireworks are setting the palace on fire. Grisu helps ... - Then the dragons with Sir Cedric visit the Mandarin Chin Chun Chin in the Far East, where there is no fire brigade.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Bones of fossils have been discovered in the cave of the Cyclops. Tell Grisu to retrieve the precious bones. But his father Fumé precedes him. He believes it is the remains of his grandfather Hasdrubal. Together with Sir Cedric, Grisu and Fumé fly on to Tawa Rawa, a volcano that spits glowing lava.
Dear relatives
Release date: 1/1/1975

Dear relatives

  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu visits his uncle Piromanzio, who uses his ray of fire to break up marble and other rocks. That's what the crook Trufarex wants to take advantage of. He asks Piromanzio to cut a marble wall. However, the little dragon sneaks up on the burglar and unmasks him.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu now works as a ranger. He designed a water pump that's supposed to be useful in the event of a fire. He'll be able to use it soon. Some oil wells have exploded and caught fire. An extremely dangerous situation for Sir Cedric and the firemen. Grisu and his father Fumé are called to the scene of the fire.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 23
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Again and again, the smugglers manage to outsmart the simple customs officers with their boss Mistifix. The State Defraudancia is thus in dire straits. Grisu can expose the criminals. It goes on: a blackmailer wants to poison the drinking water of a city. The little dragon and his father Fumé are called to help.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 24
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Fumé is flown by helicopter to a space station. Astronaut Grisu is already waiting for him there. You need to test material for a heat shield designed to protect the spaceship when it lands. But it doesn't work. Sabotage! In extreme distress, Fumé clings himself to the bow as a heat shield - and lands safely on the ground.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 25
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Fumé and his son Grisu get a job. In a geological institute they help to use geothermal energy for an electricity plant. Then Fumé rescues precious statues in a reservoir before the water flows in.
Foreign peoples
Release date: 1/1/1975

Foreign peoples

  • Episode number: 26
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu and Fumé are supposed to save an Eskimo village in Antarctica from a giant iceberg. Fumé protects himself against the cold with a thermal suit. Suddenly he gets so hot that his horn starts emitting laser beams - a good device for turning the iceberg into a waterfall. In the South Pacific, too, the two must intervene to help.
All kinds of funny things
Release date: 1/1/1975

All kinds of funny things

  • Episode number: 27
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    The little dragon must pass two adventures again: Grisu is hired as a firefighter by a company that is currently shooting a film about the Emperor Nero. He takes his office very seriously and causes all kinds of unrest. In the land of Gomuria, the juice of the rubber trees has mixed with the earth: everything is made of rubber. The residents are perplexed, they ask Grisu for help.
Release date: 1/1/1975


  • Episode number: 28
  • Episode duration: 25 min.
  • Episode description:
    Grisu and Fumé are true friends of humans. They help the inhabitants of Narkosia to overcome their fatigue and save the president of the cave state of Cervernizia and his underbelly from extreme mountain hardship.
Episode 29
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 29

  • Episode number: 29
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 30
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 30

  • Episode number: 30
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 31
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 31

  • Episode number: 31
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 32
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 32

  • Episode number: 32
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 33
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 33

  • Episode number: 33
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 34
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 34

  • Episode number: 34
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 35
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 35

  • Episode number: 35
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 36
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 36

  • Episode number: 36
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 37
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 37

  • Episode number: 37
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 38
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 38

  • Episode number: 38
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 39
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 39

  • Episode number: 39
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 40
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 40

  • Episode number: 40
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 41
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 41

  • Episode number: 41
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 42
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 42

  • Episode number: 42
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 43
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 43

  • Episode number: 43
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 44
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 44

  • Episode number: 44
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 45
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 45

  • Episode number: 45
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 46
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 46

  • Episode number: 46
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 47
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 47

  • Episode number: 47
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 48
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 48

  • Episode number: 48
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 49
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 49

  • Episode number: 49
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 50
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 50

  • Episode number: 50
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 51
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 51

  • Episode number: 51
  • Episode duration: 10 min.
Episode 52
Release date: 1/1/1975

Episode 52

  • Episode number: 52
  • Episode duration: 10 min.