List of episodes of the series «Perish in the Name of Love»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 32
  • Total viewing time: 23 h. 55 m.
Episode 1
Release date: 3/24/2003

Episode 1

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    PRINCESS CHEUNG PING of the late Ming Dynasty is a bright endearing child, and has always been the favorite of her father EMPEROR CHING and the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is a great lover of operas and plays. When she discovers that her favorite troupe has been dismissed without her permission, she gets furious and vents her anger on QUEEN ZHOU, PING’s mother. She blames ZHOU for the cuts in the entertainment allowances and poor ZHOU does not even have a chance to defend herself. CONCUBINE CHAN, the niece of the Queen Mother, immediately seizes this opportunity to mock ZHOU. CONCUBINE TIN, who is heavily pregnant, knows that CHAN has been riding roughshod over every member of the royal family using her close relationship with the Queen Mother. TIN therefore warns ZHOU to beware of CHAN. CHOW SAI HIN, the son of a prominent minister CHOW HING, is brought up with other royal family members in the palace.… ...
Episode 2
Release date: 3/25/2003

Episode 2

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    PING is sad to find that her pet, which is a dog given to her by HIN, has died. HIN tries his best to console her, and the two of them decide to secretly bury the dog somewhere near the temple. Along the way they hear CHAN scream in agony. They are scared to death and run away immediately. CHAN falls into TIN’s trap and is caught in adultery. She is sentenced to death and is executed inside the temple. The Queen Mother flies into a rage after having discovered CHAN’s adultery. She later falls ill and decides to cancel her birthday banquet. HIN gets aware that PING has been sick, and has thought of a way to cure her of her illness. The Queen Mother, with other members of the royal family, prays earnestly to Guan Yin hoping that the Goddess of Mercy will give TIN a son. She is very disappointed as she finds that her prayer is unlikely to be granted.… ...
Episode 3
Release date: 3/26/2003

Episode 3

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    ZHOU is accused of plotting a frame-up against TIN. ZHOU and her oldest daughter CHIU YAN are therefore locked up in a secret room in the palace. PING insists on staying with her mother and her sister. PING bids farewell to HIN, and before they move apart, PING gives HIN the picture that they have drawn together. Fifteen years later, the country faces the deepest crisis in its history. HIN, and his best friend CHOR SING HING who is the son of the owner of an arsenal, are ordered to convoy the cannons to the battlefield. HING knows that HIN misses PING desperately, and often teases HIN about his crush on PING. To get away from trouble, ZHOU, YAN and PING have left the palace and lived in seclusion with ZHOU’s father ZHOU FUI. The Manchurian forces have come to attack the camp. Meanwhile PING has arrived with the fish for the Ming soldiers. Immediately HIN and PING shoot the invaders with the cannons. HIN is injured by an arrow.… ...
Episode 4
Release date: 3/27/2003

Episode 4

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HING has a little misunderstanding with a girl, and PING is innocently involved in the conflict. PING has mistakenly given HING the shoes which YAN plans to wear on the day of the audition. PING goes to see HING hoping to get the shoes back. HING, however, plays a trick on her. The shoes are all wet and YAN refuses to go for the audition. PING does all she can to dry the shoes up the whole night. YAN succeeds in the audition. PING is on her way for a job interview. She gets on a boat, where she happens to find the picture which she gave HIN many years ago. She tries to look for HIN but in vain, because HING keeps pestering her and does not let her go. PING is willing to work for the arsenal without wages for the first few days, and does not mind doing men’s work. Her attitude is appreciated and she is finally offered a job in the arsenal. PING and HIN are both placed in the arsenal, but they have never met each other.… ...
Episode 5
Release date: 3/28/2003

Episode 5

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    PING is curious about HIN’s identity. PING, who needs help from YAN to get more information about HIN’s background, has left the arsenal without permission to meet her sister. For this matter, she is dismissed by her supervisor. PING thinks it is not fair and wants to have a talk to her mistress, who is the fourth wife of the owner of the arsenal and who actually runs the business. PING waits desperately outside the arsenal to see MRS. CHOR. HIN sympathizes with PING and gives her a bowl of noodles. HING is shocked to know that PING has got sacked. He asks his step mother to give PING a second chance, but in vain. He then turns to his father CHOR SHUNG MO. He promises MO that he will work hard and keep his feet on the ground. MO gets touched by HING’s sincerity and PING is allowed to return to the arsenal. PING learns from YAN that HIN is marrying, and is therefore very upset.… ...
Episode 6
Release date: 3/31/2003

Episode 6

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    The royal doctor SHUM BUN has been thrown into despair since the deaths of his son and grandson. He is so heartbroken that he tries to take his life. He claims that he is being punished for framing ZHOU and PING, which frightens TIN enormously. HIN happens to see PING’s wish list that she has written earlier, and right away he goes back to the arsenal to see PING. PING, however, is on leave and is taking a short rest at home. ZHOU learns from YAN that HIN is currently working at the arsenal, and is afraid that PING will sooner or later get back with him, which may in turn cause them trouble. ZHOU does not allow PING to go back to the arsenal to work until PING solemnly vows that she will try her best to conceal her identity. BUN falls from a building and is unconscious. When he wakes up, he reveals the truth of what happened many years ago, and in just a few minutes, he passes away.… ...
Episode 7
Release date: 4/1/2003

Episode 7

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HIN asks PING about her identity, but gets no answer. PING sneaks out of the arsenal trying to avoid HIN. But as soon as she steps outside, she is assaulted by a hitman. Luckily HIN has arrived in time to rescue her. HIN and PING shelter in the lodge. PING is so worried about her mother and sister, and explains to HIN why she has to keep her identity secret. HIN finally gets aware of the truth. HING and LI YUEK HAN, daughter of the Defense Minister LI KIN TAI, discover that HIN has disappeared suddenly. They are worried about HIN and go to look for him. Finally they see HIN again in the lodge, and feel relieved to know the truth. PING returns home and sees a lot of soldiers around her house. A eunuch, who is the messenger sent by the Queen Mother, has arrived. At first ZHOU refuses to go back to the palace but later on she takes others’ advice and changes her mind.… ...
Episode 8
Release date: 4/2/2003

Episode 8

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAN has accidentally destroyed TIN’s flowers, which leads herself into great trouble. PING offers to bear the blame for YAN, and the Queen Mother gives PING a good dressing-down. ZHOU looks after SHEUNG who has tuberculosis, which annoys YAN and FUI. PING begs CHING to see SHEUNG but this infuriates the Queen Mother beyond measure. PING is then punished by being whipped. HIN sets the arsenal on fire so that the Manchurian soldiers cannot get the cannons. CHING very much appreciates HIN’s wit and courage, and assigns HIN to teach the royal children some basic military tactics. YAN tries to build up a better relationship with the servants by giving them red packets. TIN’s maid TUNG MUI does not look up to YAN and refuses to accept that little money. YAN manages to swindle ZHOU out of her money by telling a lie. With all the effort she puts in, YAN can finally get closer to the Queen Mother and gains her trust.… ...
Episode 9
Release date: 4/3/2003

Episode 9

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    HIN has got a letter from PING, and urges HING to leave the palace to meet MO. HING, however, insists on staying in the palace, which infuriates MO. HOI tries to make things difficult for PING, but in vain. He finally allows PING to make desserts. The Queen Mother loves all those desserts prepared by PING, which makes HOI a little jealous. HOI needs PING to learn how to cut the deer meat, and PING can easily grasp the skills. This really irks him, and everybody is afraid that PING might have offended HOI. HOI happens to discover the love letter that HIN wrote for PING. He thinks it is just too disgusting and therefore gives HIN a severe telling-off. HAN, on the other hand, makes a great effort to defend HIN. PING makes a formal apology to HOI. She emphasizes that she has treated HIN as a friend even though she has deep affection for him. The Queen Mother asks HOI about PING’s performance and HOI frankly tells the truth.… ...
Episode 10
Release date: 4/4/2003

Episode 10

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HING expresses his love for PING but is rejected. When he gets aware that HIN is going to break off his engagement to HAN so as to get back to PING, HING flies into a rage and gives HIN a punch. HAN is looking at them from afar, and feels heartbroken. YAN thinks that she deserves better treatment. To achieve what she wants, she tries to dance as best as she can, she seeks every opportunity to dine with CHING and the Queen Mother, and even makes up stories to win others’ sympathy. To seek HIN’s attention, HAN gets on a horse but soon afterwards she falls from the horse’s back and injures herself. She is afraid that she will be badly disfigured and puts the blame on PING. CHING decides to lead the war against the invaders, and orders HIN and HING to go with him. HAN suspects that PING is trying to steal her lover and gets more and more confused. TIN learns from YAN that ZHOU has spent much time in the temple praying for CHING.… ...
Episode 11
Release date: 4/7/2003

Episode 11

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    As instructed by CHING, HIN leads the princes and princesses to the frontier for the installation of cannons. There HIN has also given the princes and princesses some military training. The Queen Mother has fixed a date for the wedding of HIN and HAN, which upsets PING so much. YAN speaks ill of ZHOU, just to please TIN. She is then allowed to take a bath in TIN’s private quarter. She is over the moon and has carelessly spilled TIN’s perfume. TIN flies into a temper and gives her a slap. HIN leads his army to the frontier again for the installation of cannons. It is raining heavily and HIN takes shelter in the kitchen, where he meets PING again. The couple can therefore have a nice talk. HOI reveals that TIN’s baby died soon after being delivered and it was TIN who tried to frame ZHOU. FUI and YAN think that TIN deserves to be punished and insist on bringing the matter to CHING’s notice.… ...
Episode 12
Release date: 4/8/2003

Episode 12

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HIN wants to elope with PING but PING refuses, as she thinks it is too cruel to HAN. PING has prepared a present for HIN and HAN. HAN is grateful to PING, not only for the present, but also for her decision to withdraw from the relationship. YAN suggests ZHOU should bring the truth to light as soon as possible. In order to get compelling evidence, ZHOU makes an excuse to leave the palace to find the whereabouts of YIP MAN, who is formerly a royal housemaid. HING has got a message from his family and is astonished to know that MO has had a stroke. He blames himself for having not done much for his father and feels so guilty. PING can do nothing but give him a few words of consolation. ZHOU has finally found MAN who, however, refuses to say a word about what TIN has done. YAN has got a chance to play Mahjong with the Queen Mother. To please her grandmother, YAN lets the Queen Mother win as much money as possible.… ...
Episode 13
Release date: 4/9/2003

Episode 13

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAN continues to act innocent, and begs CHING and the Queen Mother to forgive ZHOU. YAN sees ZHOU in the prison. She tries to cover up her selfishness by claiming that she has a compelling reason for what she has done. ZHOU believes so. CHING appreciates HING and treats him as his son. HING wants to make use of his good relationship with CHING to help ZHOU and PING. He tries to defend ZHOU, which infuriates CHING beyond measure. HING is then punished by being whipped. HIN, HAN and PING try to intercede for HING, and get punished too. The Queen Mother agrees not to kill ZHOU, but ZHOU will lose her crown and has to work in the palace as a housemaid. CHING is so worried about the situation of the country, and blames all the ministers for having not played their part. He calls them rubbish, which really scares them to death. TAI does not want to offend TIN, and thus asks PING to stay away from HAN. This irks HAN greatly. CHING falls sick.… ...
Episode 14
Release date: 4/10/2003

Episode 14

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    TIN tries to seduce CHING, and CHING begins to give in to his sexual urges. ZHOU reminds him of the problems that may be caused by excessive sexual activity and asks him to keep a close eye on his health. CHING, however, does not listen to her. ZHOU then turns to YUN, the eunuch who is very close to CHING, for help. HIN has come to help decorate the new bedroom and HAN is very glad to see him back. HIN explains that he can only stay for a while and that he will have to leave for work very soon, which makes MAN very unhappy. TIN gets furious when she knows that it was ZHOU who sent YUN to spoil her plan. She vows to take revenge on ZHOU. She needs ZHOU to serve her so that she can torture ZHOU in the worst possible ways. PING is shocked yet sad to find that ZHOU needs to clean the toilets. She is so unhappy that she goes to confide in HIN. The Queen Mother plans to confirm TIN’s status as the new Queen when the war is over.… ...
Episode 15
Release date: 4/11/2003

Episode 15

  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HIN and HAN will have their wedding very soon. HING and PING plan to arrange a farewell dinner for HIN and HAN, and PING suggests buying a present for the couple. HAN has stolen CHAI’s letter and is going to give it to PING. On her way, she meets TIN who tries hard to grab the letter. TIN has mistakenly killed HAN. Meanwhile, YAN arrives and has seen everything. YAN has no choice but to help TIN bury the body. She has left a jade ornament beside HAN’s body, and to stay away from trouble, she asks PING to claim to be the owner of that jade ornament. PING is therefore taken into custody. CHING decides to close the case. He claims that he will not begin a further investigation unless someone can, within three days, point out why he has made such a decision. But nobody understands his purpose. YAN is all dressed up for her first date with LUN.… ...
Episode 16
Release date: 4/14/2003

Episode 16

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    LUN has led 3,000 soldiers into the capital city without informing CHING, which infuriates CHING beyond measure. But since LUN has such great military power, CHING dares not say a word against him. CHING holds a reception for LUN and his soldiers. The soldiers do not show much respect for CHING and only obey LUN’s commands. This really drives CHING mad but CHING manages to suppress his anger. As invited, YAN goes to the camp to meet LUN. But this visit just makes her hate him more. She tries to break off her engagement to LUN, but in vain. She then arranges a blind date for PING and LUN, hoping that LUN will shift his interest to PING. LUN would like to propose to PING and YUE goes to discuss it with CHING on LUN’s behalf. Shortly afterwards HING and HIN also decide to propose marriage to PING, which annoys HIN’s parents. YAN has sealed the windows to prevent others from hearing PING’s scream.… ...
Episode 17
Release date: 4/15/2003

Episode 17

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    PING writes a letter to HIN asking him to give up on her, but HIN refuses. CHING is to choose his son-in-law. PING has selected three candidates who later on have to take a test set by CHING. HIN points out that their country will sooner or later be torn apart under CHING’s leadership. CHING gets furious and has a debate with HIN. Finally CHING has chosen HIN as his son-in-law. HIN is also appointed to be the General-in-chief and is to lead the war against WONG TAI KIK, leader of the Manchurians. LUN is of course very envious of HIN. PING is glad that she can stay together with HIN but she gets a little upset as she finds that HIN’s parents dislike her. HING explains that HIN is likely to be caught up in trouble even if he wins the battle against KIK, and suggests HIN seek help from General SZE HO FAT. Having been influenced by LUN, officials of the Shanxi Province have all resigned, which makes CHING extremely angry.… ...
Episode 18
Release date: 4/16/2003

Episode 18

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAN makes up a story to try to convince CHING that PING was once in love with LUN. CHING does not believe her and makes it clear to her that she has to marry LUN no matter what. HIN goes to confide in PING before he sets off to the battlefield. PING promises that she will wait for his return and will look after his parents in the best way possible. YAN, who is in agony, arrives at the camp for the wedding. LUN does not really regard YAN as his wife and forces YAN to have sex with him. The next day, LUN decides to return to Shanxi together with his soldiers. Poor YAN is left behind and this drives CHING into a rage. YAN tries to suppress her hatred towards LUN and claims that she gets on well with him. The picture drawn by PING and HIN is torn into pieces by YAN, which makes PING heartbroken. To cheer PING up, HIN, though really exhausted, offers to draw a new picture with her.… ...
Episode 19
Release date: 4/17/2003

Episode 19

  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HIN has shot KIK with the cannon. KIK falls from the horse’s back and gets injured. CHING is thrilled by the news. CHING endorses HIN’s strategy but the ministers point out that the government cannot afford the cost. CHING is shocked yet pleased to receive donations from merchants all over the country. YAN is angry with CHING as she thinks CHING has been making use of her and shows no care about her. She has no one to turn to and finally decides to seek help from TIN. YAN tells a pack of lies to try to sow discord among the ministers. The ministers who stand by TIN believe YAN’s words. TIN and her father make a great effort to stand in the way of the fundraising for military supplies and operations. They also try to sow discord between HIN and other ministers by saying that HIN has become impossibly arrogant. CHING then orders HIN to cut the cost of his army.… ...
Episode 20
Release date: 4/18/2003

Episode 20

  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHING questions CHIU and comes to realize the soldiers have been suffering. PING says that it is still not too late to turn it around. CHING then decides to take up the fundraising challenge, and invites CHOW HING and TAI to return to the government. YUE urges YAN to return the money that is embezzled by TIN. YAN has no choice but to turn to ZHOU for help. CHIU finds out that YAN has been lying, and PING refuses to lend her money. YAN thus gets very angry with them. ZHOU is afraid that YAN will get caught up in trouble and begs PING to help YAN. CHING cannot control his mood swings every time he receives the battlefield reports. ZHOU is worried about his health and tries to console him. The Queen Mother blames CHING for confiscating her benefactor’s property. She urges CHING to return the money to her benefactor and forces him to stay away from ZHOU, but CHING refuses to do so. KIK’s soldiers have besieged HIN’s troops.… ...
Episode 21
Release date: 4/21/2003

Episode 21

  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    ZHOU now has the power and authority to make decisions. Immediately she has TIN and TIN’s followers arrested. TIN is punished by being whipped. She thinks it is not fair to her and keeps on cursing ZHOU. KIK is seriously ill but insists on taking part in the war against the Ming forces. CHING feels so guilty when he finds that the Ming forces have been besieged by the Manchurian troops, without any support and assistance. PING begs HIN’s mother to sign the wedding certificate, but in vain. The Ming forces are losing the war and everybody feels so down. Suddenly HIN has got the wedding certificate sent from PING and he is very happy. But the people around him do not show much response to this. HIN then makes a great effort to boost the morale of the soldiers. KIK has passed away and the Manchurian forces take no action. HIN’s troops are therefore a bit relieved.… ...
Episode 22
Release date: 4/22/2003

Episode 22

  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    TIN and YUE convince YUEN to take part in the beauty pageant that is held in the palace so that she may be chosen as CHING’s concubine. YUEN, however, shows no interest and turns them down. KWEI goes to meet CHING and he is appreciated for his courage and talent. PING and CHIU have prepared some nice food for the soldiers, and CHING teases PING about it. The Manchurian troops have been very silent since KIK’s death and HIN begins to feel worried. HING and the Ming soldiers have spent a lot of time arranging a reception for PING. For this reason, they are all blamed and punished by HIN. All of a sudden, the Manchurian troops have come to attack HIN and the Ming soldiers with the newly designed cannons. HIN refuses to retreat and tries to work out a strategy to destroy those newly designed cannons. He has tried different methods but none of which works.… ...
Episode 23
Release date: 4/23/2003

Episode 23

  • Episode number: 23
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    On the street HING sees PING fall down in a faint. He is very worried about PING but just dares not get near her, because he does not want the Manchurian officials around him to get aware of her identity. Later HING has found PING among a consignment of corpses, and has rescued her from death. YUEN goes to borrow money from TIN so that she can leave the brothel. TIN suggests YUEN take part in the beauty pageant and points out that it is the best way for her to see KWEI in the flesh. But YUEN shows hesitation. CHING discusses with his cabinet how to put down the rebellion led by LI CHI SHING. Among all the ministers and officials there, only KWEI offers some useful and constructive advice. KWEI points out that the introduction of new coins may help CHING win support from his people. CHING thus orders KWEI to take charge of the project. Having been trained by TIN, YUEN is finally chosen as CHING’s concubine.… ...
Episode 24
Release date: 4/24/2003

Episode 24

  • Episode number: 24
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHING is furious when he finds that YUEN has had an affair with KWEI. KWEI begs CHING to let YUEN go but CHING needs him to defeat SHING first. TIN gets aware of YUEN’s affair with KWEI and manages to make it known to the public. The Queen Mother blames ZHOU for having not kept an eye on the concubines and needs ZHOU to improve her management skills. ZHOU knows there must be something wrong with YAN and thus asks to check the accounts. YAN wants to borrow money from HIN and makes up a story to win his sympathy. The Manchurian forces have intensified their search for PING. HING suggests PING destroy the wedding certificate so as to conceal her identity but PING is reluctant to do so. To keep PING’s identity secret, HING and PING, who pretend to be in love, announce that they are getting married. MO is very happy and promises to make the wedding as simple as it can be.… ...
Episode 25
Release date: 4/25/2003

Episode 25

  • Episode number: 25
  • Episode duration: 44 min.
  • Episode description:
    LUK insists that it is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and offers to help HING arrange a big wedding. CHING has won support from his people, and has recovered the land that he once lost. But the rumor about KWEI and YUEN has put CHING in a very embarrassing situation. The Queen Mother urges CHING to have a talk with KWEI so as to look for a solution. CHING and KWEI have reached a compromise and CHING is to send YUEN to a temple. YUEN will have to stay at the temple until KWEI has defeated the Manchurian troops. YAN wants to divorce LUN. HIN sympathizes with YAN and promises to help convince CHING to issue a divorce certificate for her. HIN takes YAN out to watch the shooting stars so that she can make a wish. YAN is so impressed by HIN’s generosity and kindness, and falls for him in a big way. HING and PING send a letter to HIN but YAN has stolen it. She also resorts to a stratagem to make HIN believe that PING has already married HING.… ...
Episode 26
Release date: 4/28/2003

Episode 26

  • Episode number: 26
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHING gets furious as he finds that PING has married HING and that HING and all workers of his arsenal have already surrendered to the Manchurians. MO discovers that PING and HING never sleep together. To convince MO of their relationship, PING and HING try to act like a married couple. LUK is informed that PRINCESS CHEUNG PING has recently got married. To avoid suspicion, HING claims that his new wife PING is pregnant. YAN knows that HIN will get into another war very soon, and she asks to go with him. On the way she seeks every opportunity to speak ill of PING and does her best to console HIN. The rebels get into the arsenal and start to steal things, which has caused great chaos. PING gets a gun and fires it, trying to stop the rebels and to scare them off. She lets them take away anything they want only if they promise not to hurt anyone in the arsenal.… ...
Episode 27
Release date: 4/29/2003

Episode 27

  • Episode number: 27
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    The Ming forces have detained LUK for questioning, and what really concerns HIN is whether PING has married HING. PING knows that the arsenal is running out of food and water, and therefore asks the workers to return to their hometowns. HIN supposes HING has surrendered to the Manchurians and has stolen his fiancee. When he sees HING again, he gets extremely angry and beats HING up. But soon afterwards he knows that he has misunderstood HING. When PING and HIN meet again, they cannot hold their tears and break down crying. This, of course, makes YAN very jealous. CHING suggests that SUEN CHUEN TING should adopt KWEI’s strategy to fight against SHING and his troops. KWEI’s strategy seems to be working well at the beginning and the Ming troops are winning the war. But later on SUEN CHUEN TING falls into SHING’s trap and the Ming troops are finally defeated.… ...
Episode 28
Release date: 4/30/2003

Episode 28

  • Episode number: 28
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    LUN claims that he will not send his soldiers to the capital city unless CHING promises to relinquish ZHOU’s crown, to let YUE and YUE’s comrades resume their posts as Ministers in the Ming government, and to break off PING’s engagement to HIN. CHING turns him down and drives him out of the chamber. By setting an example for others, PING tries to make the people understand that everyone has the responsibility to fight for their country. YAN plots to kill PING so that she may win HIN’s love. Luckily PING survives. YAN is to be sent under escort to the city of PO TING and HING offers to go with her. CHING is told that a female farmer NGO has done her best to fight against SHING’s troops, and this is really encouraging to CHING. He offers to help repair and extend the city wall, and asks all the ministers to join him. CHING’s sincerity has deeply touched his people. TIN falls seriously ill.… ...
Episode 29
Release date: 5/1/2003

Episode 29

  • Episode number: 29
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YUE has kidnapped YUEN, but he resorts to a stratagem to make others believe that YUEN has died already. YAN pretends to be sick and asks HING to send her to LUN’s camp. HING falls into her trap and is tortured almost to the point of death. He later has become paralyzed. SHING’s troops have successfully got into the capital city. Everyone in the palace is trying to escape. CHING sits on the floor, sinking into despair. YAN has come back to the capital city and asks HIN for protection. CHING calls in all the ministers and all the members of the royal family. He plans to take his life and needs others to die for the country. Everyone panics and screams for help. FAT suggests CHING move to the South but CHING refuses, as he does not want to lose his dignity. PING and ZHOU have finally convinced CHING to leave. CHING means to spread rumors around so that he and his family can escape from the palace.… ...
Episode 30
Release date: 5/2/2003

Episode 30

  • Episode number: 30
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAN meets YUN on the way. Since YAN is badly in need of money to buy medicines for HIN, she decides to reveal the whereabouts of YUN to get a reward. HIN supposes PING is dead and is so depressed. YAN then gives him a few words of consolation. ZHOU is very busy dealing with national issues, and the Queen Mother suggests ZHOU hand over power to CHIU. FOOK, who has always wanted to take the throne, is again exerting pressure on CHIU. CHIU is at a loss for what to do but luckily ZHOU turns up in time and saves him from embarrassment. ZHOU can now understand CHING’s situation and comes to know how many problems CHING had to tackle when he was alive. KWEI expects that ZHOU will sooner or later lose the throne, and decides to lead the Manchurians into the country so that they can defeat SHING and liberate YUEN from captivity. HIN gets aware that PING is still alive and is going to look for her.… ...
Episode 31
Release date: 5/5/2003

Episode 31

  • Episode number: 31
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    PING suspects that there are some goings-on behind YAN. She follows YAN and is astonished to find that YAN has betrayed her country. FAT has found sufficient evidence to charge YAN. FOOK and LUN grab this chance to sow discord, and ZHOU drives them out of the chamber right away. She understands that YAN is guilty and tries to handle the case fairly. YAN knows that ZHOU will not forgive her, and decides to turn to FOOK for help. YAN plots to kill ZHOU on the day of the wedding of HIN and PING. In the confusion, she successfully escapes from the prison. ZHOU, before she dies, has got a plan to deal with FOOK. FOOK falls into ZHOU’s trap and fails to grab the throne. He decides to send his troops into the city, which much worries CHIU. CHIU does not want to start a war and agrees to share the throne with FOOK, but in which case, PING will have to be separated from HIN.… ...
Episode 32
Release date: 5/6/2003

Episode 32

  • Episode number: 32
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    YAN compels HIN to stay with her overnight so that they can have a nice talk. HIN has not yet returned and the ministers urge CHIU to make a decision. CHIU panics and is too confused to make up his mind. YAN needs PING to see her. HIN knows that YAN bears ill intention and that it must be a plot. He turns her down and YAN threatens to ruin the city. HIN has no choice but to surrender. PING is shocked to find that ZHOU was killed by YAN. She tries to calm herself down and begs YAN to let the citizens off. As YAN is about to kill PING and HIN, KWAN comes along. KWAN suggests arranging a big wedding for HIN and PING as it can be a good way to show that the Manchurians and the Ming people can get on well. PING needs KWAN to guarantee that the Manchurians will not hurt anybody in Kam Ling, and asks KWAN to put YAN in prison. CHIU officially surrenders to the Manchurians, which marks the end of the Ming Dynasty.… ...