Rick Sanchez / Morty Smith (voice), Mr. Poopybutthole (voice), Mr. Meeseeks (voice), Blips & Chitz Annoncer (voice), Evil Rick / Evil Morty / Doofus Rick / Council of Ricks / Additional Voices (voice), Dream Aliens (voice), Fake Door Salesman / Two Brothers Movie Announcer / Tophat Jones / Ants in my Eyes Johnson / Glenn / Gazorpazorpfield / Baby Legs (voice), Albert Einstein (voice), Cromulons (voice), Lumberjack (voice), Greebybobe / Green Alien / Blob Alien (voice)
Jessica (voice), Additional Voices (voice), (voice), Rick's Computer (voice), Jessica / Newscaster (voice), Diane Sanchez (voice), Assimilated Alien 4 (voice), Jessica / Cynthia / Hot Woman (voice), Diane Sanchez / Rick's Computer (voice), , Roy's Wife (voice), Garage AI (voice), Samantha / Hostage Woman (voice), Gazorpian Judge (voice), Plutonian Chat Show Host 1 / Talking Doll (voice), Rick's Computer / Alien News Anchorwoman (voice), Diane Sanchez / Additional Voices (voice), Gaia (voice), Sharon Lewis (voice), Jessica / Girl (voice)
Additional Voices (voice), Birdperson (voice), Mr. Nimbus (voice), Mr. Marklevitz / Kevin (voice), Council Of Glorzos Member (voice), Acid Man (voice), FDR (voice), Phoenixperson / McDoncalds Employee (voice), Birdperson / Wedding Singer / Screaming Sun (voice), Joseph Campbell (voice), Alejandro (voice), Birdperson / Phoenixperson (voice), Birdperson / Tickets Please Guy (voice), Phoenixperson (voice), Heistotron / Randotron (voice), Water-T / Ice-T / Magma-T (voice), Triceratops (voice), Davin / Red Alien / Gromflomite Guard (voice), Flu Hatin' Rapper (voice), Birdperson / Ice-T (voice), Reggie (voice), Student (voice)
Additional Voices (voice), King of the Sun (voice), Viking Armorer (voice), Abradolf Lincoler (voice), Alien 2 / Paramedic (voice), Brad Anderson / Adult Morty Jr. (voice), Ship Captain / Abradolph Lincler (voice), Miniverse Mayor (voice), Gordon Lunas (voice), News Reporter / Froopyland Creature (voice), 'Real Spaghetti' Alien Terrorist (voice), Federation President / Gromflomite Engineer / Additional Voices (voice), Roy's Teacher / Gromflamite Fed (voice), Adviser / Rabbi (voice), Eyeholes Announcer (voice), Rhett Caan (voice), Crocubot (voice), Alien / Waiter (voice), Scary Teacher / Dog Accountant (voice), Abradolph Lincler (voice), S.W.A.T. Officer / Johnny Carson (voice), Hephaestus (voice)
Additional Voices (voice), Gene (voice), Squanchy (voice), Nazi / Pencilvester (voice), Gear Newscaster / Gear Police Officer (voice), Hunter (voice), Bad Cop / Mr. Jellybean (voice), Tour Guide / Squanchy (voice), Conroy / Federation Admiral / Additional Voices (voice), Shadow Jacker (voice), Million Ants (voice), (voice), Pawnshop Clerk (voice), Shnoopy Bloopers / Call Centre Alien #1 / Gene (voice), Jon Arbuckle (voice), Tour Guide (voice), Squanchy / Gene Gilligan (voice), Squanchy / Bartender / Customs Gromflomite (voice), Pizza 1 / Phone 1 / Chair 1 (voice), Mr. Stringbean (voice)
(voice), Additional Voices (voice), Alien Waiter / Assassin / Customs Alien / Call Centre Alien #2 (voice), Amortycan Grickfitti (voice), Lighthouse Chief (voice), Pizza 2 / Phone 2 / Chair 2 / Chair Waiter (voice), Giant Lawyer / Peasant 2 (voice), Chuxley (voice), Frank Palicky / Tom (voice), Alien / Student 1 (voice), Head Vampire (voice), Concerto (voice), Slave Owner (voice), Roy's Doctor (voice), Cousin Nicky (voice), Trunkman / Bachelor (voice)
Mr. Goldenfold (voice), Additional Voices (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Handsome Black Man (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Student (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Federation Personnel (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Black Mailman (voice), Mr.Goldenfold (voice)
Additional Voices (voice), Alien Waiting in Line / Special Agent Mongo Bongo (voice), Vice President Dwayne (voice), Alien News Anchorman / Agent Gribbles (voice), (voice), Gromflomite Commander / Gromflomite Soldier / Additional Voices (voice), Scroopy Noopers (voice), Jerry's High School Friend (voice), Assimilated Alien 2 (voice), Anderson Cooper / Tom Hanks (voice), Tony Hawk / Marvin (voice), , Cake or Fake? Contestant (voice), Michael / Priest (voice)
Tammy Gueterman (voice), Tricia Lange (voice), Tricia Lange / Podcaster / Glorzos (voice), Tammy (voice), (voice)
(voice), Additional Voices (voice), , Town Resident (voice), Tom Randolph (voice), Alexander / Tom Randolph (voice)
President/Governor Andre Curtis (voice), Reverse Giraffe (voice), President Curtis / Turkey President Curtis (voice)
(voice), Additional Voices (voice), Brad (voice), Jacob / Eric McMan (voice), Brad / First Mate (voice), Triple Trunks (voice)
(voice), , Additional Voices (voice), Snake Humanoid (voice), Gromflomite Spokesman / Timothy / Gromflomite Guard #2 (voice)
Principal Gene Vagina (voice), (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Plutocrat's Friend (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Mr. Booby Buyer (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Newscaster / Davin (voice), Scary Glenn (voice)
(voice), , Quick Mystery Host / Last Will and Testimeow: Weekend at Dead Cat Lady's House II Announcer / Newscaster (voice), Poncho / News Anchor (voice), Assimilated Alien 5 (voice), Business Alien (voice)