

Justin Roiland


Rick Sanchez / Morty Smith (voice), Mr. Poopybutthole (voice), Mr. Meeseeks (voice), Blips & Chitz Annoncer (voice), Evil Rick / Evil Morty / Doofus Rick / Council of Ricks / Additional Voices (voice), Dream Aliens (voice), Fake Door Salesman / Two Brothers Movie Announcer / Tophat Jones / Ants in my Eyes Johnson / Glenn / Gazorpazorpfield / Baby Legs (voice), Albert Einstein (voice), Cromulons (voice), Lumberjack (voice), Greebybobe / Green Alien / Blob Alien (voice)

Spencer Grammer


Summer Smith (voice), Glenn's Wife (voice), Dream Summer (voice)

Крис Парнелл


Jerry Smith (voice)

Sarah Chalke


Beth Smith (voice)

Кэри Уолгрен


Jessica (voice), Additional Voices (voice), (voice), Rick's Computer (voice), Jessica / Newscaster (voice), Diane Sanchez (voice), Assimilated Alien 4 (voice), Jessica / Cynthia / Hot Woman (voice), Diane Sanchez / Rick's Computer (voice), , Roy's Wife (voice), Garage AI (voice), Samantha / Hostage Woman (voice), Gazorpian Judge (voice), Plutonian Chat Show Host 1 / Talking Doll (voice), Rick's Computer / Alien News Anchorwoman (voice), Diane Sanchez / Additional Voices (voice), Gaia (voice), Sharon Lewis (voice), Jessica / Girl (voice)

Dan Harmon


Additional Voices (voice), Birdperson (voice), Mr. Nimbus (voice), Mr. Marklevitz / Kevin (voice), Council Of Glorzos Member (voice), Acid Man (voice), FDR (voice), Phoenixperson / McDoncalds Employee (voice), Birdperson / Wedding Singer / Screaming Sun (voice), Joseph Campbell (voice), Alejandro (voice), Birdperson / Phoenixperson (voice), Birdperson / Tickets Please Guy (voice), Phoenixperson (voice), Heistotron / Randotron (voice), Water-T / Ice-T / Magma-T (voice), Triceratops (voice), Davin / Red Alien / Gromflomite Guard (voice), Flu Hatin' Rapper (voice), Birdperson / Ice-T (voice), Reggie (voice), Student (voice)

Морис Ламарш


Additional Voices (voice), King of the Sun (voice), Viking Armorer (voice), Abradolf Lincoler (voice), Alien 2 / Paramedic (voice), Brad Anderson / Adult Morty Jr. (voice), Ship Captain / Abradolph Lincler (voice), Miniverse Mayor (voice), Gordon Lunas (voice), News Reporter / Froopyland Creature (voice), 'Real Spaghetti' Alien Terrorist (voice), Federation President / Gromflomite Engineer / Additional Voices (voice), Roy's Teacher / Gromflamite Fed (voice), Adviser / Rabbi (voice), Eyeholes Announcer (voice), Rhett Caan (voice), Crocubot (voice), Alien / Waiter (voice), Scary Teacher / Dog Accountant (voice), Abradolph Lincler (voice), S.W.A.T. Officer / Johnny Carson (voice), Hephaestus (voice)

Том Кенни


Additional Voices (voice), Gene (voice), Squanchy (voice), Nazi / Pencilvester (voice), Gear Newscaster / Gear Police Officer (voice), Hunter (voice), Bad Cop / Mr. Jellybean (voice), Tour Guide / Squanchy (voice), Conroy / Federation Admiral / Additional Voices (voice), Shadow Jacker (voice), Million Ants (voice), (voice), Pawnshop Clerk (voice), Shnoopy Bloopers / Call Centre Alien #1 / Gene (voice), Jon Arbuckle (voice), Tour Guide (voice), Squanchy / Gene Gilligan (voice), Squanchy / Bartender / Customs Gromflomite (voice), Pizza 1 / Phone 1 / Chair 1 (voice), Mr. Stringbean (voice)

Ryan Ridley


(voice), Additional Voices (voice), Alien Waiter / Assassin / Customs Alien / Call Centre Alien #2 (voice), Amortycan Grickfitti (voice), Lighthouse Chief (voice), Pizza 2 / Phone 2 / Chair 2 / Chair Waiter (voice), Giant Lawyer / Peasant 2 (voice), Chuxley (voice), Frank Palicky / Tom (voice), Alien / Student 1 (voice), Head Vampire (voice), Concerto (voice), Slave Owner (voice), Roy's Doctor (voice), Cousin Nicky (voice), Trunkman / Bachelor (voice)

Brandon Johnson


Mr. Goldenfold (voice), Additional Voices (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Handsome Black Man (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Student (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Federation Personnel (voice), Mr. Goldenfold / Black Mailman (voice), Mr.Goldenfold (voice)

Nolan North


Additional Voices (voice), Alien Waiting in Line / Special Agent Mongo Bongo (voice), Vice President Dwayne (voice), Alien News Anchorman / Agent Gribbles (voice), (voice), Gromflomite Commander / Gromflomite Soldier / Additional Voices (voice), Scroopy Noopers (voice), Jerry's High School Friend (voice), Assimilated Alien 2 (voice), Anderson Cooper / Tom Hanks (voice), Tony Hawk / Marvin (voice), , Cake or Fake? Contestant (voice), Michael / Priest (voice)

Cassie Steele


Tammy Gueterman (voice), Tricia Lange (voice), Tricia Lange / Podcaster / Glorzos (voice), Tammy (voice), (voice)

Rob Schrab


(voice), Additional Voices (voice), , Town Resident (voice), Tom Randolph (voice), Alexander / Tom Randolph (voice)

Ian Cardoni


Rick Sanchez (voice)

Harry Belden


Morty Smith (voice)

Keith David


President/Governor Andre Curtis (voice), Reverse Giraffe (voice), President Curtis / Turkey President Curtis (voice)

Echo Kellum


(voice), Additional Voices (voice), Brad (voice), Jacob / Eric McMan (voice), Brad / First Mate (voice), Triple Trunks (voice)

Nick Reczynski


(voice), , Additional Voices (voice), Snake Humanoid (voice), Gromflomite Spokesman / Timothy / Gromflomite Guard #2 (voice)

Phil Hendrie


Principal Gene Vagina (voice), (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Plutocrat's Friend (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Mr. Booby Buyer (voice), Principal Gene Vagina / Newscaster / Davin (voice), Scary Glenn (voice)

Гари Энтони Уильямс


(voice), , Quick Mystery Host / Last Will and Testimeow: Weekend at Dead Cat Lady's House II Announcer / Newscaster (voice), Poncho / News Anchor (voice), Assimilated Alien 5 (voice), Business Alien (voice)

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