Batman (voice)
Superman (voice)
Wonder Woman (voice)
J'onn J'onzz (voice)
Green Lantern (voice)
Lex Luthor (voice)
The Flash (voice), Ghoul (voice), Deadshot (voice)
Shayera Hol (voice), Hawkgirl (voice), Fire (voice)
Amanda Waller (voice), Amanda Waller / Juice (voice)
Green Arrow (voice)
Killer Frost (voice), Giganta (voice), Inza (voice), Zatanna (voice)
Atomic Skull (voice), Nardoc / Angry Patron (voice), Thug Leader (voice), Robber #1 (voice), Captain Cold (voice), Heatwave (voice)
Tala (voice), Plastique (voice)
Supergirl (voice), Supergirl / Kara (voice), Kara / Tea (voice)
Professor Hamilton (voice)
Captain Atom (voice), Shining Knight (voice)
Mr. Terrific (voice), Devil Ray (voice), Commander (voice)
Brainiac (voice)
General Eiling (voice), Eiling (voice)
The Question (voice)