List of episodes of the series «Scooby's All-Stars»

  • Seasons count: 2
  • Episodes count: 94
The Swiss Alps
Release date: 9/10/1977

The Swiss Alps

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in downhill skiing, ice skating, tobagganing.
The Kooky Case of the Cryptic Keys
Release date: 9/10/1977

The Kooky Case of the Cryptic Keys

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode description:
    While on a road trip, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels are given a mysterious key by a stranger.
The Curse of the Viking Lake
Release date: 9/10/1977

The Curse of the Viking Lake

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode description:
    A museum curator and two geology students impersonate Viking ghosts to keep people away from a lake and steal the area's thermal energy.
Beastwoman (1)
Release date: 9/10/1977

Beastwoman (1)

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode description:
    The evil Beastwoman uses her multifrequency Beastwhistle to call all the animals in the Big city Zoo to break out of their cages and drive the people out. Dog Wonder finds Beastwoman in a dog parlor where he gets a poodle chip. D.W. succumbs to the Beastwhistle and, following Beastwoman's commands, captures The Blue Falcon and puts him in a maneating plant. Beastwoman orders her subjects to spread her fast growing seeds across Big City, which she plans to convert into a giant jungle!
Tokyo, Japan
Release date: 9/10/1977

Tokyo, Japan

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in sumo wrestling, tennis, and batting.
Release date: 9/17/1977


  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in cliff diving, underwater relays, speed boat racing.
The Mixed Up Mystery of Deadman's Reef
Release date: 9/17/1977

The Mixed Up Mystery of Deadman's Reef

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode description:
    While at the beach with some friends, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels see a ship mysteriously vanish.
Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats
Release date: 9/17/1977

Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode description:
    The gang visits a friend on a forbidding island reputed to be the home of vampires.
Beastwoman (2)
Release date: 9/17/1977

Beastwoman (2)

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode description:
    B.F. manages to release himself and reprogram Dog Wonder so he won't obey Beastwoman's Beastwhistle. B.W., meanwhile, employs some bird to seed the clouds and have them rain on the seeded Big City, turning it into a jungle. The Daring Duo learn she plans to do this to the rest of the U.S.A. via rocket power, so Blue Falcon detains Beastwoman whilst Dynomutt goes up with the rocket which crashes into the lake and D.W. becomes a moss-covered mechanical mutt. Blue Falcon severs Beastwoman's powers by snipping her veins, and Big City is restored to normal. Blue Falcon attempts to shear Dynomutt's veins, but the latter decides to shake them off by dancing the Hula.
Release date: 9/17/1977


  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in climbing Big Ben, fox hunting, and skateboard polo.
Release date: 9/24/1977


  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in swamp buggy racing, waterskiing, track raceing.
What a Flight for a Fright
Release date: 9/24/1977

What a Flight for a Fright

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode description:
    At the airport, some jewels are stolen by a mysterious figure.
Hang in There, Scooby-Doo
Release date: 9/24/1977

Hang in There, Scooby-Doo

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode description:
    During a hang-gliding competition, the gang investigates ghostly dinosaurs and cave-men in a Western canyon.
The Glob (1)
Release date: 9/24/1977

The Glob (1)

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode description:
    Petty thug Norbert Prindle, alias The Glob, eludes Dynomutt and Blue Falcon at The Crowne Art Gallery and makes off with the multimillion dollar Baltese Falcon, a 2"" statue of solid diamonds. The Dyno-Computer Tracker traces The Glob and the heroes almost collide with the thief. The Glob escapes into a manhole where Dynomutt gets the Baltese Falcon back from him and hides it in a curio shop amongst 9 other phoney Baltese Falcons. The Daring Duo corners Norbert Prindle and his mob at their hideout, but Prindle eludes them again, washing the heroes down the channel by a flood of water. They return to the curio shop to retrieve the Baltese Falcon, only to find that it and the other phoney Baltese Falcons have been sold.
Release date: 9/24/1977


  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in rickshaw racing, ping pong, and gymnastics.
The Sahara Desert
Release date: 10/1/1977

The Sahara Desert

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in dune buggy racing, Fill Up The Oasis race.
The Creepy Case of the Creaky Charter Boat
Release date: 10/1/1977

The Creepy Case of the Creaky Charter Boat

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode description:
    On a charter boat, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels are chatting with a friend whose father is being honored for his role in a play when suddenly the lights go out and a necklace is stolen.
The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller
Release date: 10/1/1977

The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode description:
    The filming of Scooby-Dee's new film is disrupted when a phantom appears on the set.
The Glob (2)
Release date: 10/1/1977

The Glob (2)

  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode description:
    As Dynomutt escapes, Blue Falcon becomes Blue Blob. Dog Wonder races his blue buddy to The Falcon's Lair, where he sculpts him back to normal and spritzes him with The Falcon Instant Hardening Spray, and corner The Glob and his minions just as they nab the true Baltese Falcon. They capture Norbert Prindle in a huge goblet, and turn the crooks in and return the Falcon to the Crowne Art Gallery. Later, in the Falcon's Lair, D.W. tries to sculpt a ""Bluetese Falcon"", using B.F. for a model, but his creation shatters to pieces before he gets to profit big from it.
Release date: 10/1/1977


  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in Lochness Photograph race, and three-legged kilt racing.
Release date: 10/8/1977


  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in the Tour De France, Eiffel Tower climbing.
Big Scare in the Big Top
Release date: 10/8/1977

Big Scare in the Big Top

  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode description:
    At the circus, tigers are disappearing. Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels investigate and discover a phantom has been haunting the circus.
The Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race
Release date: 10/8/1977

The Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race

  • Episode number: 23
  • Episode description:
    Shag and Scooby play decoy to uncover the truth behind a phantom racer and some disappearing racecars.
Madame Ape Face (1)
Release date: 10/8/1977

Madame Ape Face (1)

  • Episode number: 24
  • Episode description:
    The Daring Duo are on the trail of Madame Ape Face who has swiped the face of Sophia Florenzi and plans tosteal all of the beautiful faces of the starlets of Big City. They catch up with The Madame at GaGa Galore's costume party but her face is stolen. Chasing Ape Face , Blue Falcon and Dog Wonder find themselves headed down a conveyor belt into a cold cream machine!
Release date: 10/8/1977


  • Episode number: 25
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in boomerang throwing, and kangaroo racing.
Athens, Greece
Release date: 10/15/1977

Athens, Greece

  • Episode number: 26
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in pole vaulting, discus.
Double Dribble Riddle
Release date: 10/15/1977

Double Dribble Riddle

  • Episode number: 27
  • Episode description:
    The Central City Kings have disappeared due to a panther.
The Ozark Witch Switch
Release date: 10/15/1977

The Ozark Witch Switch

  • Episode number: 28
  • Episode description:
    The gang spends a stormy night at Hatfield's cabin, only to see a witch transform their host into a frog. Searching for a solution, they encounter a zombie and a witch's cave.
Madame Ape Face (2)
Release date: 10/15/1977

Madame Ape Face (2)

  • Episode number: 29
  • Episode description:
    Saved by The Falcon Fan Snapper, The Daring Duo rush to the aid of the most probable victims. When Fifi Foray wins a beauty contest, Dog Wonder disguises himself as Fifi, and an ensuing scuffle with Madame Ape Face results in D.W.'s face stolen. (Dynoape, Ape Wonder?! It'll never be the same!) Using The Dyno-Radar Hand Detector, the heroes find The Madame's lair and Dog Wonder's face is restored. They catch Ape Face in the act of pilfering Sarah Showerfaucet's face at her apartment. Blue Falcon captures The Madame just as she tosses Sarah's face out the window, but Dog Wonder manages to catch it before it shatters on the concrete below.
The Ozarks
Release date: 10/15/1977

The Ozarks

  • Episode number: 30
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in pole vaulting, discus, rail cart racing, and keelboat racing.
Release date: 10/22/1977


  • Episode number: 31
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in motor scooter racing, canal boat racing.
The Crazy Case of the Tell-Tale Tape
Release date: 10/22/1977

The Crazy Case of the Tell-Tale Tape

  • Episode number: 32
  • Episode description:
    The television station, KXXX, is taken off the air when a criminal cuts the antenna.
The Creepy Cruise
Release date: 10/22/1977

The Creepy Cruise

  • Episode number: 33
  • Episode description:
    The gang wins a South Seas cruise and stumbles upon a mystery involving a time machine and a futuristic monster.
Shadowman (1)
Release date: 10/22/1977

Shadowman (1)

  • Episode number: 34
  • Episode description:
    Lurking in Big City is The Shadowman, who mysteriously knows all of the plans of The Crime Commission. The Daring Duo are called in when the 700-karat Shmope Diamond is swiped. As they respoind, they spot a shadow sneaking off with plates for new $20 bills stolen from an armored car. The Shadowman later manages to kill two birds with one stone by making off with a secret gold shipment and framing Mayor Gaunt (who is captured in The Dyno Bad Guy Box) all in one shot.
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
Release date: 10/22/1977

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

  • Episode number: 35
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in hang gliding, skydiving, and hot-air balloon racing.
Release date: 10/29/1977


  • Episode number: 36
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in Touch the Tip of the Pyramid race, camel racing.
The Creepy Claw Caper
Release date: 12/31/1977

The Creepy Claw Caper

  • Episode number: 37
  • Episode description:
    A villain named Claw uses an aging gun to turn a rock star into an old man.
The Creepy Heap from the Deep
Release date: 10/29/1977

The Creepy Heap from the Deep

  • Episode number: 38
  • Episode description:
    A huge sea monster disrupts the kids' beach party, but when they take refuge in an old house they run into a ghostly sea captain whose spirit has been stolen by the monster.
Shadowman (2)
Release date: 10/29/1977

Shadowman (2)

  • Episode number: 39
Sherwood Forest
Release date: 10/29/1977

Sherwood Forest

  • Episode number: 40
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in knight racing, and a rescue contest.
Release date: 11/5/1977


  • Episode number: 41
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in bullfighting, gypsy wagon race.
Cavey and the Kabuta Clue
Release date: 11/5/1977

Cavey and the Kabuta Clue

  • Episode number: 42
  • Episode description:
    When a mummy comes to life and kidnaps an archeologist, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels investigate.
The Himalayas
Release date: 11/5/1977

The Himalayas

  • Episode number: 43
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in hang the bell on the Abominable Snowman, relay racing to the top of Everest.
Release date: 11/12/1977


  • Episode number: 44
  • Episode description:
    Exotic locales in India's lush Bengal Jungle provide the backdrops for today's exciting events.
Cavey and the Weirdo Wolfman
Release date: 11/12/1977

Cavey and the Weirdo Wolfman

  • Episode number: 45
  • Episode description:
    With their friend, a prince of a small country, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels go skiing. When the scepter is stolen by a Snowwolfman, they investigate.
Release date: 11/12/1977


  • Episode number: 46
  • Episode description:
    Exotic locales in Israel's Negev Desert provide the backdrops for today's exciting events.
Release date: 11/19/1977


  • Episode number: 47
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in jungle boat racing, vine swinging.
The Disappearing Elephant Mystery
Release date: 11/19/1977

The Disappearing Elephant Mystery

  • Episode number: 48
  • Episode description:
    In India, when a Royal White Elephant is stolen by an evil sorcerer, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels investigate.
San Francisco
Release date: 11/19/1977

San Francisco

  • Episode number: 49
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in rollerskating, and fishing.
The Grand Canyon
Release date: 11/26/1977

The Grand Canyon

  • Episode number: 50
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in mule racing, tightrope racing.
The Fur Freight Fright
Release date: 11/26/1977

The Fur Freight Fright

  • Episode number: 51
  • Episode description:
    Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels are assisting Dee Dee's uncle, Frank Skyes, with a fur delivery. When the furs disappear, it is up to them to find out what happened.
Release date: 11/26/1977


  • Episode number: 52
  • Episode description:
    Teams compete in Catch the Leprechaun, and hole-in-one golf contest.
Release date: 12/3/1977


  • Episode number: 53
  • Episode description:
    The teams' wild events occur in the climate of tropical Hawaii.
Ride 'Em Caveman
Release date: 12/3/1977

Ride 'Em Caveman

  • Episode number: 54
  • Episode description:
    In Wyoming, rumors of a horse that is possessed by a demon are rampant. And they seem to be true. Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels have arrived to investigate. Just as they are investigating, a bank robbery occurs.
Release date: 12/3/1977


  • Episode number: 55
  • Episode description:
    The teams' wild events occur in the climate of icy Norway.
North Pole
Release date: 12/10/1977

North Pole

  • Episode number: 56
  • Episode description:
    The teams' crazy contests occur in the climate of the frigid North Pole!
The Strange Case of the Creature from Space
Release date: 12/10/1977

The Strange Case of the Creature from Space

  • Episode number: 57
  • Episode description:
    Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels go to a research facility after they spot an alien spacecraft landing there. They discover that an alien robot supposedly stole a top secret energy source.
Release date: 12/10/1977


  • Episode number: 58
  • Episode description:
    The teams' crazy contests occur in the climate of tropical Tahiti.
Release date: 12/17/1977


  • Episode number: 59
  • Episode description:
    The scenic locales for today's crazy contests is the rustic Rustler's Gulch, Arizona.
The Mystery Mansion Mix-Up
Release date: 12/17/1977

The Mystery Mansion Mix-Up

  • Episode number: 60
  • Episode description:
    Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels got to Farthington Mansion with Taffy's Aunt Gladys to see a magic show. When some jewels are stolen, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels investigate.
Release date: 12/17/1977


  • Episode number: 61
  • Episode description:
    The scenic locales for today's crazy contests is the picturesque Holland.
Release date: 12/24/1977


  • Episode number: 62
  • Episode description:
    Today's wacky contests include tree cutting in Canada.
Playing Footsie with Bigfoot
Release date: 12/24/1977

Playing Footsie with Bigfoot

  • Episode number: 63
  • Episode description:
    In Oregon, when the star athlete of a sports team is kidnapped, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels investigate. Very soon, they have found Juice Brenner. Or have they? He is acting strangely.
Release date: 12/24/1977


  • Episode number: 64
  • Episode description:
    Today's wacky contests include a flying carpet race in Baghdad!