List of episodes of the series «Bondi Vet»

  • Seasons count: 8
  • Episodes count: 137
  • Total viewing time: 43 m.
Saving a Policeman's Poisoned Dog
Release date: 2/5/2009

Saving a Policeman's Poisoned Dog

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 43 min.
  • Episode description:
    On this episode of Bondi Vet, it's a tense night in the ER as Chris fights to save a policeman's pet which has been deliberately poisoned with snail bait. Add to that a mercy mission for a malnourished penguin washed up on Bondi Beach and a scary operation for a seven month old pup whose leg is disintegrating.
Confronting a Shocking Act of Cruelty
Release date: 2/12/2009

Confronting a Shocking Act of Cruelty

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode description:
    In Episode Two of Bondi Vet, Chris confronts a bizarre and shocking act of cruelty as a 12 year old cat is deliberately dumped in the Bondi surf and left to die. Viewers also get to meet a depressed parrot caught in a bizarre love triangle and Lisa must try and help a beautiful Samoyed survive a killer tick bite.
Cosmetic Surgery for a Bulldog
Release date: 2/19/2009

Cosmetic Surgery for a Bulldog

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode description:
    This week stand by for a ground breaking operation at the Bondi clinic. Elroy, the out of control bulldog is being de sexed and Chris is about to give him the very latest fake silicone testicles direct from the United States; Lisa hopes a blood transfusion can save a senior citizen and some very different patients including a sick owl spreading some nasty bugs and a turtle that's wandered way off track.
Severely Deformed Legs on a Brave Golden Retriever
Release date: 2/26/2009

Severely Deformed Legs on a Brave Golden Retriever

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode description:
    On this episode you will lose your heart to a brave golden retriever and her devoted owner. Rosie has severely deformed legs and only major surgery can save her life. How will owner Angus find the money and will the operation work? Chris also introduces us to one of Bondi's most delightful dog loving eccentrics and a cutting edge solution for a record breaking goat.
Saving the Life of a Hit and Run Victim
Release date: 3/5/2009

Saving the Life of a Hit and Run Victim

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode description:
    You will never forget Chris' desperate fight to save the life of an innocent hit and run victim. Lisa helps little Zoe battle a poisonous snake bite, we follow a lame lorikeet learning to fly again and we delve into the power of puppy school.
A Difficult Cow Birth
Release date: 3/12/2009

A Difficult Cow Birth

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode description:
    In this episode a much loved Labrador in trouble after a head on collision with a car and Lisa is in a race against time to find the cause of a mystery illness that is threatening the life of a five month old kitten. Chris heads to the bush and gets called out to help with a difficult birth.
A Fragile Joey Clings to Life
Release date: 3/19/2009

A Fragile Joey Clings to Life

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode description:
    An unforgettable story as Chris takes home a fragile baby kangaroo with the odds against him. Will the Joey make it without his mum? Plus a helping hand for a puppy with a life threatening problem and Chris confronts his archenemy - a Chihuahua with a mean streak.
A Beagle's Heartbreaking Labour
Release date: 3/26/2009

A Beagle's Heartbreaking Labour

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode description:
    This week, follow Chris behind bars and meet three beautiful pups who are changing prisoners' lives. A pregnant beagle faces a terrible ordeal as Lisa tries to save her life, a bunny makes the Bondi Vet cry and Chris' dog Rusty gets surfing lessons!
Eye Lift for a Shar-Pei
Release date: 4/2/2009

Eye Lift for a Shar-Pei

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode description:
    A worried young couple make a mercy dash to the clinic with a Wallaroo who is suffering from diarrhoea and severe dehydration. The couple rescued Heidi after her mum was hit by a car and have been caring for her ever since. After examining Heidi, Dr Chris concludes that she is 180 days old (6 months) and that bacteria are attacking her system. Meanwhile, over at Bondi's referral hospital SASH - one year old Dalmatian puppy Hugo is in serious trouble. He has something stuck in his bowel, which later is identified as a corn cob. How will Dr Lisa remove this cob? Also, John and Fiona travel over three hours to see Dr Chris in the hope that he can help their Shar-Pei dog - Mr Wilson. Poor Mr Wilson is slowly going blind. His skin folds over his eyes are so loose that his eyelashes are sitting on his eyeballs. Dr Chris proposes a drastic measure - some plastic surgery. But how will this spoilt Shar-Pei survive being separated from his owners for the first time in his life?
Rush Against Time to Try and Save a Cat named Lucky
Release date: 4/9/2009

Rush Against Time to Try and Save a Cat named Lucky

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode description:
    Dr Chris escapes the Bondi clinic this episode to travel to the central coast of NSW to do vet checks at the Australian Reptile Park. His first patient Blackie is a very important Tasmanian Devil. She is one of the insurance colony that has been shipped over to the mainland to prevent the devils being wiped out by a shocking facial tumour epidemic. Blackie is having trouble having more babies and Dr Chris needs to find out why. He discovers an infected nipple, which at first glance looks suspiciously like cancer. While at the Reptile Park, Chris also treats one of his least favourite patients - an enormous Burmese python called Queen Bee. The majestic reptile has an infected tooth but she puts up a fight against the vet's well meaning advances. Meanwhile over at SASH, Dr Lisa treats a much loved cat ; Lucky - who has paracetamol poisoning. An antidote is needed immediately. Dr Chris also tackles a tricky rescue mission to try to save a mother and her three ducklings.
Abandoned Energetic Baby Goat Needs a New Home
Release date: 4/16/2009

Abandoned Energetic Baby Goat Needs a New Home

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode description:
    Blackie the cat, an eight-month-old kitten, has been rushed into the Bondi clinic with shattered legs. It seems that it was a deliberate act of cruelty and Dr Chris needs to pull out all stops in order to save Blackie's life. Over at Bondi's emergency referral hospital SASH, a seven-year-old kelpie has been brought in with a bone stuck in her throat. Dr Lisa needs to perform an endoscopy to extract the bone from Jess' throat. It is a very delicate procedure and Dr Lisa needs to ensure that Jess' oesophagus isn't permanently damaged. An abandoned baby goat has landed on the doorstep of the clinic. Dr Chris and staff nurse Pan back to health and introduce her to a new beach lifestyle before she is rehoused at an historic mansion.
Family of Falcons with a Mystery Illness
Release date: 4/23/2009

Family of Falcons with a Mystery Illness

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode description:
    Two peregrine falcons that live at the top of a high rise shopping centre in busy Bondi Junction have been struck down with a mystery illness. Dr Chris must diagnose the problem so the beautiful birds can return to their penthouse home. Meanwhile over at Bondi's referral hospital SASH, a six year old retriever Jasmine is rushed in with a potential fatal gastric dilation volvulus (gdv). Her stomach has twisted and as a result blood can no longer pump to her heart. If Dr Lisa doesn't carry out emergency surgery, she will be dead within hours. Back at the Bondi clinic Dr Chris is going hopping mad (pun intended!) looking after a randy rabbit! This little Bunny has an unrequited love for a much bigger, older woman called Archelina. The problem is that the randy rabbit just won't leave his disinterested girlfriend alone. For Bunny, there's two choices: the snip; or find a new friend. What will Bunny's fate be?
Scottie the Police Dog's Dangerously High Fever
Release date: 4/30/2009

Scottie the Police Dog's Dangerously High Fever

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode description:
    Little Garfield has been mauled by another dog. His hysterical owner, Rita, is beseeching Dr Chris to save her tiny terrier. Although this little fella is white and fluffy, he is one tough cookie and refuses to give up without a fight. Maddie, a blind and diabetic 12 year old terrier is brought into the clinic to see Dr Chris. Her doting owner is forced to decide whether to restore her sight with cataract surgery, surgery that comes with numerous risks because of Maddie's age and condition. Dr Chris escapes Bondi and takes a road trip to Bateman's Bay on the south coast of New South Wales to check up on one of his favourite patients - Mr Wilson. Six weeks ago Dr Chris gave Mr Wilson an eyelift to stop him from going blind and it's now time to see whether the operation has been a success. While he's in the area, Dr Chris pops into Mogo Zoo where he catches up with some old friends and gets plenty of loving from some unusual animals.
Emergency Trip to Help an Expecting Horse
Release date: 5/7/2009

Emergency Trip to Help an Expecting Horse

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode description:
    In an after hours emergency six month old Boxer puppy has been rushed into the Bondi clinic to see Dr Chris. Buddy's system is shutting down because of a severe allergic reaction to a sting from a wasp. His face is badly swollen and his airwaves are constricting. If Dr Chris doesn't act quickly in just a few hours the puppy will not be able to breathe at all. Dr Chris is also forced to make an emergency trip to see a valuable breeding mare - Harriet. She is several days overdue and her owners are now worried the foal could have died or is in a breech position. Meanwhile over at SASH, a much loved family pet, 11 year old golden retriever Jesse, has been brought into see Dr Lisa, after it was hit by a car and suffered a broken back. Surgery to fuse her spine should have her walking again but a week later Jesse still has no movement in her back legs. Her devoted family refuse to give up hope. A tiny puggle with a foot fetish refuses to let anybody clip his nails.