List of episodes of the series «Footballers' Wives: Extra Time»

  • Seasons count: 2
  • Episodes count: 30
  • Total viewing time: 17 h. 30 m.
Episode 101
Release date: 5/26/2005

Episode 101

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Bruno runs away from were he's just shot Conrad. Lucy returns home and begs for forgiveness. On a nearby street estate, a mother Joly, tells her children Yasmin and Rees that it's time they went to find their father - Bruno Milligan. Oliver's put and left in a awkward position. Amber's told Conrad is dead. Rock icon, Garry Ryan is announced as the new Chairman of Earls Park FC. Giles dead body is found.
Episode 102
Release date: 6/2/2005

Episode 102

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Lucy feels guilty for attending Conrad's funeral aware that Bruno is the one who killed him. Bruno's more worried about introducing Yasmin and Rees to the press. Garry is furious when Oliver, who's taking more drugs writes off his Bentley. Rees gets drunk at Conrad's wake, much to his fathers embarassment. Harley is asked to move to Spain and even though undecided at first Shannon decides to go with him.
Episode 103
Release date: 6/9/2005

Episode 103

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Harley arranges to go on ahead to Madrid for a medical and believes that Shannon is staying at home. He is actually travelling with Katie. Eager to surprise him, Shannon books herself a ticket and hot foots it to the airport only to bump into Katie. Initially, Shannon innocently believes that their encounter is a coincidence, but when Katie reveals the truth, she is mortified. Realising that she has lost her husband, Shannon leaves the airport and watches, heartbroken as an ecstatic Harley and Katie greet each other outside.
Episode 104
Release date: 6/16/2005

Episode 104

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Rees may have ruined everything. Yasmin drags him straight down to the hospital to check on Angelica, but not before the six-year-old has told Bruno where she got the ‘bad sweets’ from. Clocking Rees approaching the ward, Bruno goes for him and hurls him across the corridor. He also takes back Rees’s house keys, telling him never to darken the doorstep again. After a moment’s hesitation, Yasmin heads off to join her ‘new family’, leaving Rees all alone. Luckily for Anika and Garry, Oliver is so out of it that they are both able to get out of bed and get dressed without disturbing him. Oliver is woken with a glass of water in the face and, although he is surprised to see Garry there, he doesn’t suspect anything. Now recovered from their close call, Garry and Anika have a go at Oliver for checking himself out of the clinic. Bruno is all for calling the police but Lucy convinces him otherwise – after everything that happened with Conrad, does he really want the police sniffing around their house? Yasmin meanwhile ensures that she spins the entire situation to her advantage – Bruno should see that she’s very different from Rees, absolutely her father’s daughter. Seb is also firmly wrapped around Yasmin’s finger and finds himself formally asking Bruno if he can take his daughter out. Bruno agrees, but as long as Seb keeps his mitts to himself. Anika keeps Garry happy in more ways than one when she assures him that Oliver is safely back in the rehab clinic and then lets him take her over his desk. There’s nothing like a bit of overtime to keep the boss happy. Back at her apartment, Oliver is housebound because the money that Garry is giving him to pay for his treatment is going straight into Anika’s bank account. Lucy catches Yasmin going through her wardrobe in search of something to wear with her date with Seb and flatly refuses to lend her any of her clothes. Enter Daddy to the rescue. As he bought all of Lucy’s clothes, Bruno doesn’t see why she can’t lend something to Yasmin, and, even presents his daughter with a diamond necklace to reward her loyalty. Rees is waiting for Yasmin as she leaves the house. He’s been sleeping rough and is furious that she hasn’t been in touch. Yasmin gives him a bit of cash but he’s still pissed off, especially when he clocks the blinging necklace around her neck. At the posh restaurant a snooty waiter tries to make Yasmin look stupid when she mispronounces something on the menu, but she gives as good as she gets and Seb is impressed. Neither of them are very impressed by the food though, while Seb struggles through a plate of snails, Yasmin tries to force down the oysters she’s ordered by smothering them in ketchup. After he’s paid the bull, Yasmin takes Seb for some fish and chips before he takes her home in the limo…soon its steamy windows all the way. After hours in Garry’s office, Anika finally gets the chance she’s been waiting for. It takes a while, but eventually she manages to guess the password to Garry’s computer and then uses it to clean out one of his offshore bank accounts. After leaving Yasmin, Rees makes a phone call. The following day, we find out who to when Joly arrives at the Earls Park Training Ground and whacks Bruno right in the nuts.
Episode 105
Release date: 6/23/2005

Episode 105

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Bruno calls a halt to the training session amidst a torrent of abuse from Joly. Now parked up in his car Bruno and Joly are at logger heads over his treatment of the twins. He justifies his lavish gestures to Yasmin as making up for lost time – why shouldn’t a father buy nice things for his daughter. She reminds him that his name is on both of their birth certificates plus the certificate she pulls from her pocket and flings in his lap, it’s Joly and Bruno’s wedding certificate… and it’s still valid.
Episode 106
Release date: 6/30/2005

Episode 106

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    At the Milligan’s house, Lucy tells Bruno that she can’t trust him if he sneaks off seeing his ex behind her back. Bruno brings up Giles, relieved she doesn’t know the full story. She tells him that she’s taking Angelica to her mum’s for a few days; desperately trying to gain control he asks if she’ll renew their vows realising he’s up to his neck in it.
Episode 107
Release date: 7/7/2005

Episode 107

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Oliver lounges round the flat discussing his plans for world domination with mate Ed as Anika sheepishly lets herself in. Announcing that she’s come for her things, he tells her not to bother, a glimmer of hope perhaps? She’s back to earth with a bang when he hands her two packed bags, demands the keys and slams the door behind her. The morning after the night before, Rees’s head is thumping, Yasmin reminds him that it’s his first day; Bruno has organised a job for him at Nabakov’s Cocoon. Returning with the breakfast, Seb proudly shows Yasmin the headline in today’s Sun, ‘Sparks! Own Goal, Seb Scores with Skipper’s Girl’, he sees that she’s not as cool with it as he is; this is all she needs to add to her stress. Lucy frantically searches for her passport whilst giving Bruno an earful, she was totally humiliated after seeing the rock she thought was for her on Joly’s finger. No amount of grovelling is going to get him out of this one. Rees’ idea of a free ride is stamped on from a great height when he reports to bully boy head chef Matt Bryant at the club. Matt lets him know that although he’s the boss’s son, it is him who’s in charge of things, before barking at him to scrub all the ovens out. Garry and Anika pull up outside Rampant Sounds, the pavement is swarming with paparazzi. As Garry goes to get out of the car she pulls him back, and puts his sunglasses on him to cover up his shiner. The flash of bulbs is blinding as they emerge from the car, it’s official, they’re a couple, Anika’s loving it. After parting on bad terms Seb and Yasmin arrange to meet. Outside the flat she’s approached by a guy who introduces himself as an employee of Cash Brown, after a brief hesitation she gets into the car. As his lackey minds the door, Cash looks Yasmin up and down approvingly, long time no see, it’s obvious that Cash is in favour of his ‘little bird’s’ new-look. Bruno sits at the computer, his face a picture of concentration. He types in, ‘Angelica – Location? and then hits ‘enter’. The screen shows a map of Europe including a strange flashing dot over Spain. He repeatedly clicks the mouse until the image is in full zoom, he has an exact location, and doesn’t he look smug. In an underground car park Garry and champagne soaked Anika take up their favourite positions, on the car bonnet. Both wearing Halloween masks, they get down to business totally unaware of the other vehicles dotted around them. Through her drunken haze Anika is horrified to notice the interior lights of occupied cars, an unfazed Garry fails to miss a beat. Suddenly they are in full glare from the headlights of another car, their unseen voyeur trailing a video camera on them
Episode 108
Release date: 7/14/2005

Episode 108

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Seb turns up at Rees’ flat at the crack of dawn, eager to know if he’s heard from Yasmin. When Seb threatens to call the police to report her missing Rees warns him against the idea. Yasmin wakes up to find a fully clothed Cash fast asleep with his arm draped over her. She manages to sneak his phone out into the hall, frantically types a text message and presses send. Relieved, she turns around to see Cash standing behind her. As Garry and Anika enter the office Michelle hurriedly shoves something into her desk draw, flashing Anika a smug grin. Totally out of character, she is concerned over Anika’s hangover, all those bright lights? Anika queries that Michelle ‘innocently’ means the paparazzi flashbulbs, what else? Having been left in control of the club by Bruno whilst he’s in Spain, Joly proves that she’s no pushover when it comes to business. Seeing an opportunity to launch their new venture Chukka Ent. at Nabakov’s Cocoon, Oliver and Ed come to her with a grandiose proposal, only for her to rip it up and name her terms. Seeing that Michelle has left the key in her drawer whilst she is out at lunch, Anika seizes the chance to go rummaging. She finds a file with her name on it containing photocopies of bank statements on which Anika’s fraudulent money transfers have been highlighted - Michelle is messing with the wrong woman. Having received Yasmin’s text message, Rees and Seb find themselves at Cash’s front door. They are led in to find a scared looking Yasmin sitting on the sofa, Cash totes on a spliff with his arm around her. Cash stands, gesturing to his heavy as they push Seb back and forth before telling him he can have Yasmin. As the three of them make a hasty exit down the stairs they realise they’ve been tricked, no way up, no way down. Yasmin screams as Cash’s gang lay into her brother and Seb. In her customized car with blacked out windows Chanel is disturbed, mid-shag, as her best mate Yasmin rings out of the blue, she’s not bothered to call her old mates off the estate since she found her famous dad. Nevertheless, Chanel drives over to help her out. Rees, Yasmin and Chanel struggle to lift a battered Seb into the back seat of Chanel’s car before taking off. A week later Chukka Ent.'s launch is in full swing as a bruised Rees sneaks seemingly undetected into the kitchen. Yasmin is in her element, having bagged a job with Oliver and roped in an unfazed Chanel to assist her. Rees spots Cash and his heavy swan in through the kitchen but before he gets to warn Yasmin, the bastards have locked him in the freezer. In the noisy kitchen and with the loud dance music in the club, his cries go unheard.
Episode 109
Release date: 7/21/2005

Episode 109

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Anika is shocked when she comes across explicit images of her and Garry having sex on his office desk. He really is terrible! Goodness knows how many other tapes he has recorded. Anika is determined to locate his hidden cameras and stash of tapes, as she can’t afford for these to fall into the wrong hands.
Episode 110
Release date: 7/28/2005

Episode 110

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Anika’s plan to humiliate Garry backfires – it looks like she’s made him out to be some sort of stud. The new babe on Seb’s arm is quick to realise that he only has eyes for Yasmin and suggests he use his wallet to get back into Yasmin’s good books. Meanwhile Ed and Oliver entertain a gorgeous new client - Zuki, who wants them to throw her a very special sushi party for her girlfriends. Things are on the up, now all they need are two suitable waiters to complete the evening. Still fuming, Anika can’t believe the approving reception Garry received and admits she sent the images. Garry looses it and tells her that Michelle’s turned up some interesting misuse of company funds. Anika responds by is quick to blame the missing cash on Ollie then turns on the waterworks and storms out. Michelle is thrilled Gary is taking her shopping - for jewellery! Perhaps now Anika seems to be out of the picture her loyalty might be about to pay off. Joly and Matt are totally loved up and today they bring Rees home from the hospital. Meanwhile Seb’s off buying a flash car – surely it’s the quickest way to a woman’s heart? He then plucks up the courage and then heads to Cash’s flat to plead with him to let Yasmin go once and for all. Cash can’t believe his front and responds by holding a knife against Seb’s throat. Michelle is devastated to discover the ring Garry’s buying isn’t for her after all, it’s for Anika! He wants to wipe the slate clean will she give him another chance. Garry is planning a surprise proposal so takes Anika to a plush hotel to make the grand gesture. He drops the ring into the glass but before he can warn her – Anika unknowingly knocks back her champagne cocktail and immediately begins clutching at her throat. Luckily Garry is on hand to rescue her! Later Oliver is livid when he finds out about Anika and his dad’s engagement from the newspaper Cash arrives at Yasmin’s flat to say goodbye – it’s time for him to let her go. Yasmin’s gob smacked. Cash leaves the flat and drives off in his brand flashy new car. Meanwhile, Ed and Oliver have roped Matt and Rees to help with the sushi night. But Rees is shocked to discover what the job involves and promptly legs it. Leaving Ed and Oliver to strip naked while Zuki and her butt ugly mates gobble sushi off their bodies. Yasmin’s full of apologies for Seb and relived when he takes her back. While Michelle’s in bits, crying, home alone and watching one of Garry’s dogging videos. Meanwhile Anika resolves to make her life with Garry complete, what can she give to a man who has everything, a baby perhaps?
Episode 111
Release date: 8/4/2005

Episode 111

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    Garry’s having trouble rising to the occasion with Anika, he’s not sure about this baby – but Anika is determined to change his mind. When Michelle arrives at work Anika wastes no time in bragging about her baby plans, causing Michelle to storm into Garry’s office to try and talk him out of it. He’s angry with Michelle’s constant interfering and tells her stop. But Michelle is now on a mission. In the pub, Ed talks Oliver through their new Chukka Ent. venture - speed strip dating for the rich. They’re interrupted by Michelle who tells Ollie of Anika’s plans and gets the reaction she hoped for. Has Michelle managed to scupper Anika’s plans? Anika agrees to secretly meet Oliver at his flat but when Michelle overhears her lying to Garry about having a manicure she knows exactly where she’s really going. Michelle finds a spare key for Oliver’s flat and is soon on her way to his flat herself.
Episode 112
Release date: 8/11/2005

Episode 112

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 35 min.
  • Episode description:
    After splitting up the fight between Titania and Chanel, Joly finally notices that the club is full of half naked people. Strip dating may be okay in a brothel, but not in the club that Bruno has trusted her to look after. Oliver and Ed better look for another venue to stage future Chukka Ent. events because their association with Nabakov's Cocoon is over. Back at the flat, Rees is cracking onto Chanel as Seb arrives home with Yasmin and enough booze to get things flowing. Both couples are gagging for it and ready to move into their bedrooms. But then Joly comes home totally shattered and plonks herself in front of the TV - the ultimate contraceptive! Although she insists that Seb bunks down with Rees and Chanel with Yasmin, it isn't long before the couples swap rooms. Rees is petrified when Chanel pushes him back onto the bed and she quickly susses he's a virgin. He prepares himself for rejection but is stunned when Chanel tells him to get ready for the night of his life! A friend of theirs is looking for someone to run his club in Ibiza and Ed is determined to get Oliver on the next available flight, he can't stand that Anika is still messing with his mate's head. Oliver makes one last call to Anika, she's shocked he's leaving but arranges to meet at the office so she can drive him to the airport - Garry's in meetings all day so will be none the wiser if she borrows his car. Meanwhile, Michelle has crushed a load of pills into Anika's coffee and is waiting with bated breath for her to drink it while she listens in on her conversation with Oliver. But Anika's on decaf and gives the mug back to her. Now fuming, Michelle begins studiously surfing the net, it's time to put her plans into action. At Rampant Sounds' underground car park Michelle checks that the coast is clear before jimmying the bonnet of Garry's car. She unfolds an exact diagram of the engine then carefully traces the brake cable, before getting to work a Stanley knife. Back in the office Garry is on a complete rant so Michelle assumes he's found out about Anika and Oliver. As Garry searches for his car keys, Michelle panics, she can't let him get to his car before Anika. Depressed that Yasmin and Rees have both forgotten her birthday, Joly heads off for some retail therapy. She arrives back at the flat to find that Yasmin, Rees, Chanel and Seb have organised a surprise party for her. As a champagne cork pops, Joly notices Matt and goes to leave. Matt follows and explains that he left the club to show her that he hasn't got a hidden agenda. Now convinced he's genuine, Joly leads him back into the flat. Anika and Oliver spot Garry racing to head them off in the car park. She hits the brakes then panics as nothing happens. As the car speeds towards him Garry is rooted to the spot when Michelle suddenly pushes him out of the way. Anika has lost all control of the car as her and Oliver speed toward a wall. Moments later, Anika raises her head and is hysterical at the sight of Oliver lying bloody and motionless beside her. Staggering from the car she reels at the sight of Michelle's lifeless body and then urgently rings for an ambulance on her mobile. She turns at the sound of Garry's voice to see a cold and powerful expression on his face. Things are going to be very different from now on.