List of episodes of the series «The Confidant»

  • Seasons count: 1
  • Episodes count: 33
  • Total viewing time: 1 d. 45 m.
Episode 1
Release date: 11/5/2012

Episode 1

  • Episode number: 1
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    In the Forbidden City, Eunuch YIU SHEUNG-HEI tries to run away from the Xi Hua Gate, but is captured by a eunuch from the Attending Office - PANG SAM-SHUN. While eunuchs from each Palace are waiting in the Attending Office for their allowance distribution, only the allowance for the Jing Ren Palace is unreasonably deducted. After enquiring the eunuch who distributes the allowance, Eunuch LI LIAN-YING comes to realize that it is SAM-SHUN who is behind the whole thing. He then goes with LING TIM-SHAU to the Penalty Room to have a word with SAM-SHUN. Relying on his uncle CHAN FOOK, who is the Manager of the Attending Office, as his backer, SAM-SHUN bullies LIAN-YING and TIM-SHAU then drives them away. Jing Ren Palace is left out in the cold due to Her Ladyship Lady YUEN, who has fallen into disgrace, so the palace maid - SIN YUNG attempts to repair the roof by herself in view of an unattended water leakage……
Episode 2
Release date: 11/6/2012

Episode 2

  • Episode number: 2
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CHAN FOOK intervenes personally for SAM-SHUN, tossing everyone in Attending Office for detention. As Prince GONG is going to discuss with CIXI and CIAN regarding the issue of purchasing guns and cannons from the foreigners, Lady YUEN arrives with DE-HAI, stating that the Attending Office is bullying her. CIXI seizes this opportunity to make oblique accusations in front of Prince GONG, implying that Prince GONG should not expect to exceed the power vested on him. On their way back to Jing Ren Palace, LIAN-YING and TIM-SHAU learn that there have been Imperial Consorts leaving the Palace. It turns out that the two Empress Dowagers have granted those Imperial Consorts to return to their hometown after their period of mourning is over. Having learnt that she might have the chance of leaving the palace, Lady YUEN is thrilled with joyfulness……
Episode 3
Release date: 11/7/2012

Episode 3

  • Episode number: 3
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Throwing herself on the floor in front of the Chang Chun Palace, Lady YUEN insists that she will not get up until she gets to see CIXI, who in turn is bent on refusing to let Lady YUEN leave and return to her hometown. CHAN FOOK overhears the two Empress Dowagers' conversation, maintaining that there must be something unraveled with regard to the premature death of Lady YUEN's little Prince. For the sake of paying off the gambling debt for his father, LIAN-YING asks SAM-SHUN for a pass to leave the palace. However SAM-SHUN keeps changing his words, which leaves LIAN-YING and the others no choice but to grab the pass by force, which ends up with SAM-SHUN being knocked out cold. Leading CHAN FOOK to meet Lady YUEN, SIN YUNG discovers that Lady YUEN is going to commit suicide by hanging herself from a beam. CHAN FOOK then tells Lady YUEN the secret that he has overheard, causing her to seek revenge……
Episode 4
Release date: 11/8/2012

Episode 4

  • Episode number: 4
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    During her inspection tour, CIAN finds out that some palace maids are making embroidered shoes in private, which, according to the maids’ confession, turns out to be DE-HAI's private business. CIAN and CIXI then jointly interrogate DE-HAI, resulting in CIXI depriving DE-HAI of his title of Grade Seven Chief Eunuch, which DE-HAI is not exactly prepared to accept. While on his way out from having drinks with DE-HAI and SHEUNG-HEI in the Imperial Pharmacy, LIAN-YING discovers that someone is attempting suicide in a forbidden room. It turns out that the person is in fact CHAI-TUNG, who begs LIAN-YING to take him to meet Lady YUEN. After fetching tea for CHAI-TUNG, LIAN-YING returns to the room of Lady YUEN, and is astonished to see CHAI-TUNG collapse on the floor with blood on his forehead. While LIAN-YING starts to bury the body, SHEUNG-HEI notices that CHAI-TUNG is still breathing……
Episode 5
Release date: 11/9/2012

Episode 5

  • Episode number: 5
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    In view of SHEUNG-HEI's devoting himself to medical science, YI-LAN takes out a copper coin, asking SHEUNG-HEI to hold it and make a wish. The following day, Master TSUI suddenly tells SHEUNG-HEI that he may learn the medical techniques from Dr SUEN. While explaining some medical cases to SHEUNG-HEI, Dr SUEN mentions a palace maid called YI-LAN who died an unnatural death, which shocks SHEUNG-HEI to no end. Knowing that DE-HAI has finally understood the efforts she made, CIXI not only feels satisfied but also decides to ask him to run some errands for her. Around midnight when no one is around, DE-HAI brings some shovels, showing up in the Imperial Garden, yet ends up being detained by CHAN FOOK. While Lady YUEN together with CHAN FOOK, SHENG BAO and others seek help from Prince GONG regarding their confrontation with CIXI, LIAN-YING, bringing along CHAI-TUNG, appears right in time……
Episode 6
Release date: 11/12/2012

Episode 6

  • Episode number: 6
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CIXI is impressed by LIAN-YING, so DE-HAI suggests that he should serve in the Chang Chun Palace, which is turned down by LIAN-YING. With regard to SIN YUNG's constant symptoms of nausea, each one in the Jing Ren Palace notices that she is bearing a child. However they persistently keep the secret for her since she is leaving the palace soon. While CIXI and Prince GONG stick with their own argument respectively on the issue of supplementing the Astronomy and Arithmetic Department, some conservatives are on CIXI's side, leaving Prince GONG's ambition simply wasted. Having recognized that SIN YUNG worries about her lover PAK-LUN, who marched to the battlefield, without knowing if he is alive or dead, LIAN-YING specially goes to the Military Office scouting out the whereabouts of PAK-LUN……
Episode 7
Release date: 11/13/2012

Episode 7

  • Episode number: 7
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CIXI places a bet with Prince GONG to see whether anyone in the palace is capable of riding the bicycle. Upon his arrival at the Attending Office, LIAN-YING spots TIM-SHAU gambling with other eunuchs, which leaves TIM-SHAU no alternative but to reveal the fact that he needs silver ingots so that his family can tide over the arid climate in their hometown. Above that, TIM-SHAU blames LIAN-YING for not taking advantage of his relationship with DE-HAI to take a bribe, leaving him no chance of standing out from his fellows or living a prosperous life. TIM-SHAU breaks his legs after falling from the roof, but is prohibited from receiving fracture and osteopathy treatments from the doctors by SAM-SHUN due to the debt he owes. In order to get the reward money, LIAN-YING boldly goes to the Tai He Gate, learning to ride a bicycle, but is summoned and sternly lashed by CIXI afterwards……
Episode 8
Release date: 11/14/2012

Episode 8

  • Episode number: 8
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Upon his arrival at the Housekeeping, Emperor TONGZHI not only dislikes the eunuchs because of their smelly sweat, but also speaks insolently towards them, who have no choice but to put on a smiling face. Having bumped into Eunuch FUN, SHEUNG-HEI discovers that he is sick so tells him to have his illness attended to by a doctor. Following the sudden death of Eunuch FUN, SHEUNG-HEI suspects that someone has purchased fake medicine for the palace. He even discovers that Dr. SUEN has discerned the cause of Eunuch FUN's death ahead of him. Being told by SHEUNG-HEI regarding the matter, DE-HAI attempts to grasp this chance to eradicate CHAN FOOK as well as his henchmen. But in the end CHAN FOOK, who is backed by CIAN, counterclaims against DE-HAI, alleging that he was framed by DE-HAI instead. SHEUNG-HEI is then transferred to practice in the Firewood and Charcoal Office as a result of offending CHAN FOOK……
Episode 9
Release date: 11/15/2012

Episode 9

  • Episode number: 9
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Coming to realize that Emperor TONGZHI has gone missing, LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN are so frightened that they keep looking around. Thinking that Emperor TONGZHI might hide in a carriage and try to sneak out the palace, SAM-SHUN together with LIAN-YING leave the palace, seeking the whereabouts of the Emperor. The two follow the track to a place in front of a remote warehouse, where LIAN-YING detects a conspiracy made by someone to steal and sell the palace treasure. After being noticed and failing to escape, LIAN-YING is apprehended. By the time he thinks he is doomed to die, SAM-SHUN unexpectedly turns around to his rescue. As CIAN and CIXI have those in the Housekeeping arrested, SAM-SHUN and LIAN-YING rush back to the palace, determined to try their best to locate the Emperor's whereabouts before being captured. Having paid a visit to SIU-CHAI in the brothel, DE-HAI finally gets to know the truth of DE-RU's whereabouts……
Episode 10
Release date: 11/16/2012

Episode 10

  • Episode number: 10
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HESHUO sees SAM-SHUN so she takes a vengeance on behalf of SHEUNG-HEI. SAM-SHUN, who dares not to offend the Princess, makes an apology to SHEUNG-HEI in person. CIXI's brother GUI-XIANG sexually assaulted the wife of a Han Chinese SIN-WING, then beat up SIN-WING and broke his right leg. Striking the drum in front of the Judiciary Station, SIN-WING files his grievance against GUI-XIANG. Faced with her mother and Prince CHUN's plea for mercy on her brother, CIXI leaves DE-HAI to solve this difficult problem in private. LIAN-YING encounters SIN YUNG in front of the brothel door, misconstruing that she is driven to prostitution. In view of DE-HAI getting the nerve to resist him, CHAN FOOK not only shows his appreciation of him, but also invites him to his mansion in Beijing City for a banquet. For the first time, DE-HAI gets to see a eunuch who is able to purchase a property as well as keep himself concubines……
Episode 11
Release date: 11/19/2012

Episode 11

  • Episode number: 11
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Having seen that Prince GONG was chatting and laughing in discussion with CIXI on the national affairs even after his illness, CIAN feels so gloomy about it that she hides in the palace, drowning her sorrows in liquor. Finally she decides to strive for victory over CIXI. GUI-XIANG, being good-for-nothing, has failed to accomplish the mission of receiving donations in exchange for official titles. Moreover he quarrels with a Han Chinese Businessman LUNG BUN, whose house is soon catches fire, resulting in the death of a dozen or more family members. As the Han Chinese gather together, intending to seek revenge from GUI-XIANG, LIAN-YING has no choice but to brave himself out to stop them from executing illegal punishments, claiming that GUI-XIANG should be handed over to the authorities for a trial. CIXI blames DE-HAI for the failure of monitoring GUI-XIANG, but GUI-XIANG stoutly denies the alleged crime of murder and arson……
Episode 12
Release date: 11/20/2012

Episode 12

  • Episode number: 12
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    LIAN-YING tells SHEUNG-HEI to go out of the palace to purchase some sandalwood without knowing that HESHUO follows SHEUNG-HEI to play around. By the time he discovers this, LIAN-YING cannot help worrying about them having a love affair. Having learnt that SIN YUNG passed out on the street, LIAN-YING leaves the palace to visit her, finding out that PAK-LUN is addicted to opium and sold his wife. CIXI is worn out due to her persistent overworking, and with the worsening of her illness, she has to give up her participation in daily state governing. DE-HAI points out that it is all because of the railway construction, which has shaken the dragon vein of the Qing Dynasty. In view of this, CIXI has some Taoist priests pray for blessings as well as averting disasters. DE-HAI secretly meets up with CHAN FOOK, who hands him a small pack of powder……
Episode 13
Release date: 11/21/2012

Episode 13

  • Episode number: 13
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Though CIAN persuades Prince GONG to stay and continue to serve the court, Prince GONG cannot help feeling so downhearted. So CIAN ridicules CIXI, saying that she is going to lose her right-hand man and a loyal court official. Having been told by SAM-SHUN that DE-HAI has joined forces with CHAN FOOK, LIAN-YING feels deeply uneasy and horrified. He and TIM-SHAU then steal some of the leftover refreshments eaten by the West Dowager, handing them to SHEUNG-HEI for an inspection. As SHEUNG-HEI is about to sneak back to the Imperial Pharmacy to inspect the leftovers, he bumps into HESHUO, who suddenly falls into unconsciousness. SHEUNG-HEI goes to her rescue but is discovered by Granny SO. CIAN has SHEUNG-HEI detained so as to keep their family scandals behind closed doors. SHENG BAO and CHAN FOOK persuade CIAN to force CIXI to hand over the Tong Dao Tang seal. Recalling their past, CIAN cannot refrain from hesitating……
Episode 14
Release date: 11/22/2012

Episode 14

  • Episode number: 14
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Under CIAN's decree of immediate execution on death penalty, SAM-SHUN takes SHEUNG-HEI away from the Forbidden City before killing him. After SHEUNG-HEI pleads with SAM-SHUN to let him meet up with the princess, SAM-SHUN is so touched by HESHUO that he secretly lets them go free. LIAN-YING runs into SHEUNG-HEI and HESHUO, relaying the likely change of reign in the Forbidden City to them. Fearing that CHAN FOOK might harm the Emperor, SHEUNG-HEI is determined to go and save the Emperor with LIAN-YING. With LIAN-YING's analysis on the current situation in the Forbidden City with all the eunuchs and imperial maids, SAM-SHUN decides to take the side of LIAN-YING regardless of the consequences. In addition, he orders everybody to find out the whereabouts of the Emperor. Outside the Shen Wu Gate, old eunuch LAU DOR-SANG gets down on his knees to welcome Prince GONG……
Episode 15
Release date: 11/23/2012

Episode 15

  • Episode number: 15
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    After the turmoil has been quelled, CIXI awards the eunuchs and palace maids for their merit in rescuing the Emperor, simultaneously LIAN-YING and DE-HAI have been elevated to more dominant positions. In order to save his uncle CHAN FOOK, SAM-SHUN seeks help from the two. While DE-HAI refuses to lay a helping hand, LIAN-YING instead pleads with CIXI to acquit CHAN FOOK of the death penalty. During the chaos, HESHUO and SHEUNG-HEI seize the opportunity to escape from the palace successfully; however, they are captured by the imperial guards as soon as they settle down. Faced with CIXI’s interrogation, SHEUNG-HEI takes full responsibility, expressing his thoughts frankly. Though appreciating SHEUNG-HEI’s deep affection for the princess, CIXI dares not to act against the ancestors’ admonition. TIM-SHAU who highly admires DE-HAI finally manages to follow DE-HAI and work with him……
Episode 16
Release date: 11/26/2012

Episode 16

  • Episode number: 16
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CIXI has taken extra precautions against CIAN ever since the latter tried to poison her. In an attempt to renew their friendship, CIAN would like to let Emperor TONGZHI stay with CIXI, but is refused by CIXI. As the ongoing disputes between the henchmen of DE-HAI and CHAN FOOK wreak havoc in the palace, CIXI fiercely urges DE-HAI to bring order out of the chaos as soon as possible. So DE-HAI and LIAN-YING decide to employ a two-pronged approach to quickly eradicate the chaos brought out by CHAN FOOK, during which DE-HAI swings a sword and kills Eunuch TSUI. While DE-HAI intends to do harm to SAM-SHUN, LIAN-YING speaks for him and helps him out of the trouble, resulting in a gradually growing friendship between the two. Accompanying with CIXI to the Living Note Department, LIAN-YING finds out about the Living Note wrote by Emperor XIANFENG……
Episode 17
Release date: 11/27/2012

Episode 17

  • Episode number: 17
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Having learnt about such a world-shaking secret, CIXI is filled with deeper hatred and grievance, feeling tremendously exhausted as she is fighting alone. Fortunately LIAN-YING's comfort enables her to pull herself together, continuing to reign the country. Ever since SHEUNG-HEI takes charge of the Imperial Pharmacy, he strictly forbids the eunuchs or imperial doctors from trading counterfeit medicine in private. As HESHUO is going to get married, SHEUNG-HEI chases after her bridal sedan chair to the gate. Seeing the graffiti left behind by HESHUO, SHEUNG-HEI cannot help sighing endlessly in sorrow. On fears of the lethal consequences if Prince GONG uses the confidential imperial edict, CIXI strikes first by summoning all the court officials in search of the evidence of Prince GONG's guilt, pressuring him to resign from his duty as Prince-Regent……
Episode 18
Release date: 11/28/2012

Episode 18

  • Episode number: 18
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    LIAN-YING and DE-HAI spot that both SIN YUNG and PAK-LUN are lying on the floor in an austere room, but LIAN-YING stops DE-HAI from rescuing PAK-LUN, leaving him to die from poisoning. DE-HAI goes to a temporary bamboo framed theatre, requesting the owner to return CHAN FOOK's silver ingots, which was acquired from selling the imperial treasures secretly. The owner not only refuses to do so, but also mocks DE-HAI of being castrated. DE-HAI unintentionally finds out that SIU-CHAI has also been bullied by the owner, so he decides to take care of her. LIAN-YING sees that SIN YUNG is under the imperial guards' escort to make an audience with CIXI, who makes SIN YUNG in charge of the hair combing duty in the palace so as to save her from being homeless. Time flies and Emperor TONGZHI has reached his adolescence. Despite CIXI’s reminder, Emperor TONGZHI shows no interest in a plan to select his empress……
Episode 19
Release date: 11/29/2012

Episode 19

  • Episode number: 19
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    DE-HAI has taken good care of SIU-CHAI, who feels so bored that she intends to adopt a child for killing time, but is objected by DE-HAI. At midnight, while a large group of potential candidates rush into the palace, waiting for the emperor's selection, Emperor TONGZHI instead makes all sorts of excuses in avoidance of the participation. Having altered his strategy, DE-HAI manages to get LAN-XUAN short listed for the audition. CIXI recognizes that the paintings from Emperor TONGZHI were made by some ghostwriters, so she tells LIAN-YING to dig out the truth. Upon their return to their room, SIN YUNG reveals LAN-XUAN's naughty and wicked conduct to LIAN-YING. Under CIXI's decree, LIAN-YING invites BAO-YIN to view the paintings in the Chang Chun Palace. Having probed BAO-YIN, CIXI is certain that she and the emperor are perfectly matched, saving that she is CIAN's niece……
Episode 20
Release date: 11/30/2012

Episode 20

  • Episode number: 20
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Emperor TONGZHI decides to confer BAO-YIN as his empress, which is faced with CIXI's objection on all kinds of grounds. Refusing to bend to CIXI's will, Emperor TONGZHI insists that LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN should help him make BAO-YIN his empress, leaving the two in a dilemma. Having heard that CIAN commenced a fasting and said a prayer for her at the Grand Temple, CIXI gets even more antipathetic towards CIAN. She then overhears that Emperor TONGZHI criticizes her in front of CIAN, which makes her so angry that she requests LIAN-YING to disclose CIAN's evil-doing. Following the sudden death of a eunuch during a body check, SHEUNG-HEI and imperial doctors conduct an autopsy and are greatly astonished when they discover that there is no total removal of that eunuch's penis……
Episode 21
Release date: 12/3/2012

Episode 21

  • Episode number: 21
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    ON-HONG is taken back to the Attending Office and subjected to an inquisition by being tortured, owing to possessing the "Thousand Cups Drink" without permission. After learning about the selling location, DE-HAI leads sufficient manpower to arrest a missionary in a small church. Knowing that SIU-CHAI behaves unfaithfully, he recalls what the missionary had said and starts scheming something in his mind. SHEUNG-HEI learns from CIXI that HESHUO left the general's residence and is nowhere to be found, so he returns to the small cottage which he and HESHUO once stayed at and discovers her there unexpectedly. Moreover, he persuades her to go back to the palace for recuperation since her health has been so delicate after pregnancy. LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN have carefully choreographed a meeting between Prince GONG and Emperor TONGZHI, during which Prince GONG agrees to help TONGZHI make BAO-YIN his empress……
Episode 22
Release date: 12/4/2012

Episode 22

  • Episode number: 22
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Prince GONG thinks that CIXI should hand state power back to Emperor TONGZHI since the emperor is married, however, CIXI refuses to withdraw from her reign behind the curtain. Ordering LIAN-YING and SIN YUNG to make an audience with her, CIXI reveals her understanding of the reason why SIN YUNG is not willing to marry court official CHAN as his second wife. So she has a word with LIAN-YING alone, suggesting making the two as pairing off couples. A young eunuch FAI goes to DE-HAI's room to steal something, then gets raided by DE-HAI. As LIAN-YING and SHEUNG-HEI bump into FAI, FAI counterclaims that DE-HAI privately possesses "Thousand Cups Drink". At the night before DE-HAI's wedding banquet, both SIU-CHAI and him are taken to the Chang Chun Palace by the troops because CIXI won’t allow DE-HAI to marry SIU-CHAI. Meanwhile, CIAN arrives, adopting SIU-CHAI as her goddaughter, letting the two get married, which greatly annoys CIXI……
Episode 23
Release date: 12/5/2012

Episode 23

  • Episode number: 23
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    HESHUO suffers a miscarriage after taking the fetus-stabilizing medicine prepared by SHEUNG-HEI. Though CIXI fully understands that SHEUNG-HEI has no alternative for the sake of saving HESHUO's life, she has to have SHEUNG-HEI detained in jail. After uncovering the truth about her miscarriage, HESHUO forgives SHEUNG-HEI in the end. Accompanied by LIAN-YING, CIXI goes to attend the morning court audience. Seeing from a distance that Emperor TONGZHI goes in the rain to hold a court audience, she is aware that her son has grown up, so she decides to withdraw from her reign behind the curtain, letting him learn to hold a court audience on his own. It has been a while since DE-HAI secretly took the "Thousand Cups Drink", but there is no sign of his penis growing back. The missionary makes a diagnosis of his condition, stating that it has improved……
Episode 24
Release date: 12/6/2012

Episode 24

  • Episode number: 24
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    In spite of her withdrawal from rule from behind the curtain, CIXI worries that Emperor TONGZHI is unable to control the court officials, so she requests her close confidant to come to the Chang Chun Palace and report the state affairs discussed by TONGZHI after each morning court audience. Eunuch FAI commits suicide by hanging himself from a beam and dies. According to TIM-SHAU, FAI, until his death, has been insisting that he had not wronged DE-HAI. Upon his return to his mansion, DE-HAI catches SIU-CHAI right on the spot when she is fooling around with the Peking Opera actor, but SIU-CHAI directly accuses DE-HAI of being impotent. By the time DE-HAI goes to find the missionary for diagnosis, the missionary already made his getaway. While persuading his best friend to let go of SIU-CHAI, LIAN-YING is also flamed with anger, wanting to get rid of her. DE-HAI goes back to his mansion, but SIU-CHAI is no where to be found……
Episode 25
Release date: 12/7/2012

Episode 25

  • Episode number: 25
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    CIXI overrides the dissenting opinions and is determined to preserve DE-HAI’s life , so TONGZHI merely deprives DE-HAI of his position and inflicts flagellation as punishment. DE-HAI, LIAN-YING, SAM-SHUN and SHEUNG-HEI run into CHAN FOOK, who persuades SAM-SHUN to come over and pledge allegiance to them, but is rejected by SAM-SHUN, who intends to act in concert with the others. Having managed to escape from the capital offence, DE-HAI throws himself on the floor, expressing his thankfulness to CIXI, during which he even bursts into tears. The whole scene is caught up by TONGZHI. CIAN goes to meet SHEUNG-HEI in private, suggesting that he should elope with HESHUO. Emperor TONGZHI notices that everything he has done is restricted by CIXI, so he has a dreadful row with her, leading to a break-up in discord……
Episode 26
Release date: 12/10/2012

Episode 26

  • Episode number: 26
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With CIAN's help, CHAN FOOK resumes his position as the Grand Eunuch. In order to save DE-HAI, CIXI condescends herself to plead with CIAN, but to no avail. LIAN-YING intends to arrange DE-HAI to sneak out of the palace, yet DE-HAI merely asks for an arrangement to make an audience with CIXI. While waiting outside, LIAN-YING and the imperial guards suddenly hear that DE-HAI scolds CIXI, who sentences DE-HAI to immediate execution. With TIM-SHAU's arrangement of a forbidden room for him to treat HESHUO, SHEUNG-HEI is determined to get HESHUO out of the coma. CIXI summons LIAN-YING and unmasks his attempt of leaving the palace, above which she frankly commands LIAN-YING to spend his lifetime in the Forbidden City until the day he dies……
Episode 27
Release date: 12/11/2012

Episode 27

  • Episode number: 27
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    After leaving the palace, LIAN-YING moves to the South Region of the Yangtze River and stays with DOR-SANG, who persuades LIAN-YING to make up with SIN YUNG. Emperor TONGZHI suddenly gets too sick to leave his bed, and is preliminarily diagnosed of having smallpox by Dr. SUEN and Dr. LO. SAM-SHUN suggests getting SHEUNG-HEI for diagnosis, which is approved by CIXI, however, SHEUNG-HEI is not willing to leave HESHUO and go to treat Emperor TONGZHI. Having recovered from his illness, the Emperor requests SAM-SHUN to take him away from the palace on an inspection tour of the living conditions of the people. At last LIAN-YING gets the chance to make up with SIN YUNG and reunites with her. In the wake of an emergency report on the revolt of Hui Army in Shaanxi and Gansu, the court officials intend to discuss with Emperor TONGZHI about sending troops there, but they are unable to locate the Emperor……
Episode 28
Release date: 12/12/2012

Episode 28

  • Episode number: 28
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    way home, they spot an abandoned baby so they bring him home, planning to adopt him. TIM-SHAU brings a bunch of singers and prostitutes in gaudy attire back to the palace to serve Emperor TONGZHI, but is stopped by BAO-YIN. Answering back outright to BAO-YIN, TIM-SHAU instead gets scolded by CHAN FOOK. In view of CIAN’s suffering from the severe illness, TIM-SHAU proposes summoning SHEUNG-HEI to attend to her. Later when SHEUNG-HEI is performing acupuncture to try and save sickened HESHUO, TIM-SHAU takes him away against his will to treat CIAN in the Zhong Cui Palace, leaving HESHUO to die there. SAM-SHUN and SHEUNG-HEI intend to deal with TIM-SHAU, who in turn subdues and punishes them. After being rescued by CHAN FOOK, SAM-SHUN goes to Emperor TONGZHI, making a plea for help, however, the Emperor, who has been excessively lecherous, turns a deaf ear to it……
Episode 29
Release date: 12/13/2012

Episode 29

  • Episode number: 29
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Inspired by KANG YOU-WEI, LIAN-YING agrees to return to the palace with SAM-SHUN, assisting CIXI to bring order out of the chaos. TIM-SHAU, who has become Emperor TONGZHI's favorite, takes the Emperor unbridled out of the palace to have fun. While SHEUNG-HEI thinks that CIAN is dying, he gets startled after being summoned to make an audience with CIAN and seeing her being full of vitality. All of a sudden, CHAN FOOK is transferred to guard the mausoleum of the late Emperor by CIAN, so he dashes to the Attending Office to pick a quarrel with TIM-SHAU, who is full of arrogance and mocks him instead. After LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN rush back to the Forbidden City, TIM-SHAU talks big, prompting LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN to submit to CIAN as well as Emperor TONGZHI, to which LIAN-YING has no comment……
Episode 30
Release date: 12/14/2012

Episode 30

  • Episode number: 30
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Having recognized CIAN's true intention, Emperor TONGZHI decides to draw a line between him and CIAN. SAM-SHUN gets down on his knees, begging SHEUNG-HEI to spare CHAN FOOK. SHEUNG-HEI opines that he can forgive CHAN FOOK since LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN are able to do so, but CHAN FOOK suddenly dies soon after leaving the palace. Emperor TONGZHI, looking energetic, goes to hold a court audience again, however he faints after withdrawing from the court. As most imperial doctors make a preliminarily diagnosis and conclude that the Emperor suffers from smallpox, SHEUNG-HEI overrides the dissenting opinions, thinking it is curable. As such, CIXI assigns SHEUNG-HEI to attend to the Emperor. During a purge of some black sheep, LIAN-YING breaks TIM-SHAU's one hand and one leg and expels him out of the palace……
Episode 31
Release date: 12/17/2012

Episode 31

  • Episode number: 31
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Bumping into Granny SO whose hand injury was inflicted by CIAN, SHEUNG-HEI sharply denounces the pros and cons to her, indicating that he could help her out of the abyss of misery. Confronted with SAM-SHUN's allegation of murdering CHAN FOOK, SHEUNG-HEI admits frankly that he has had Granny SO deliver the poisoned bird's nest congee to Emperor TONGZHI in an attempt to convict the East Dowager with the crime of murdering the Emperor. Being told by LIAN-YING that Emperor TONGZHI is infected with syphilis, CIXI goes out of her wits. Prince GONG, representing all the court officials, inquires about the situation of the Emperor's sickness, which leaves CIXI no choice but to tell him the truth in private. While Emperor TONGZHI demands the imperial doctors to explain the reason of his chronic illness, BAO-YIN cannot help unveiling the fact. BAO-YIN goes to CIAN, complaining about her sufferings……
Episode 32
Release date: 12/18/2012

Episode 32

  • Episode number: 32
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    With the strict control of the disease in the Forbidden City, LIAN-YING sees through SHEUNG-HEI's plot, successfully preventing him from poisoning CIAN. BAO-YIN reveals CIXI's evil conducts to Prince GONG, hoping him to lay a helping hand, unexpectedly, Prince GONG tactfully persuades her not to act against the West Dowager. After informing LIAN-YING and SAM-SHUN about BAO-YIN conceiving the offspring of the Emperor, CIAN also hopes LIAN-YING will safe-guard the fetus from being persecuted by the West Dowager. Just as expected, CIXI instructs LIAN-YING to make BAO-YIN miscarry. Having failed to accomplish the mission, LIAN-YING leaves the palace, staying with SIN YUNG to lie low. To his surprise, TIM-SHAU has become a beggar because he is so poverty-stricken and unfortunate. So LIAN-YING takes TIM-SHAU back to the inn, taking care of him……
Episode 33
Release date: 12/19/2012

Episode 33

  • Episode number: 33
  • Episode duration: 45 min.
  • Episode description:
    Having gone through all the ups and downs, LIAN-YING behaves so vastly differently than before, trusting no one. What's more, he even approaches CIAN and BAO-YIN, intending to submit to them. In order to show his loyalty, LIAN-YING not only takes initiative to make suggestions to CIAN, but also goes to the cell and kills SHEUNG-HEI in person. Accompanied by LIAN-YING, BAO-YIN goes to the Qian Qing Palace to visit Emperor TONGZHI, who is terminally ill. Weeping and complaining to Emperor TONGZHI, BAO-YIN says all in one breath about how she has been persecuted by CIXI and suffered a miscarriage. Simultaneously, she requests Emperor TONGZHI to designate PU-LUN to ascend the throne as well as writing the designated posthumous edict. LIAN-YING enforces the plan schemed with CIAN, voluntarily making a suggestion to CIXI, who decides to sacrifice Emperor TONGZHI for the sake of state stability……